How to hand-test a BLDC motor [SERIOUS]

Sometimes if you’re buying used, or troubleshooting, and need a quick way to see if anything might be wrong, you can test a BLDC motor with only your hands. It’s not the most accurate test in the world, but catches most problems.

The “phase wires” are the three thicker wires coming out of the motor.

  1. Ensure motor phase wires are not connected to an ESC or anything else.
  2. Verify the motor spins without grinding or rubbing. Put a tad of sideways stress on the shaft and push it and pull it (while turning) to verify it feels smooth.
  3. connect phase A to phase B and verify by hand-spinning that there are moderate choppy brakes
  4. connect phase A to phase C and verify by hand-spinning that there are moderate choppy brakes
  5. connect phase B to phase C and verify by hand-spinning that there are moderate choppy brakes
  6. connect phase A to phase B to phase C and verify by hand-spinning that there are strong smooth brakes
  7. the first 3 should all feel exactly the same strength (important)
  8. verify with A, B, and C disconnected that there are no brakes

This quick hand test can weed out most major motor problems quickly.

If you’re having a problem you’re trying to diagnose, this test can also quickly tell you if the problem you’re having might be in the ESC or wheel drive assembly instead of inside the motor.

For further testing, check this article

how to check a motor
how to test a motor
hand test
motor troubleshooting


Awesome, @b264 thank you for putting this up. The magic of this test must somehow be related to the magic of “It dosen’t matter how you plug in the phase wires, except if it goes backward, switch any two connections”

I can’t wrap my peanut brain around why it works ,but it does.


Great write up… #article-requests @BillGordon?


I’ve tried to entice Brian before with promises of money and fame. I’ll be happy to work with him on any write-ups he’s interested in putting together.


Wow, six and a half months with 40 likes and no replies, I thought this was the biggest mic drop of all time but wasn’t going to say anything lest I prod comments. But now that it’s been broken I can speak :rofl:


Be proud and be loud.


very good post


@Full-send do this

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Roger that. Will give it a go when I get home. Thank you sir!

Searched for “how to check a motor” didn’t find this thread. adding kw. “how to test a motor” did find this thread.


Search keywords added :+1:

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Mirroring this content here in case that site goes down later


It’s because you reverse the direction of the rotating magnetic field. With three phases 120 degrees mechanically and electrically separated if you write out the phasors by hand and solve for the B field you’ll see that one is a sin + cos and one is a sin - cos meaning it gets reversed.


aint nobody understood a word


This is all very simple. If you don’t understand why not try seeking a basic education?