Help me ID this motor sound PLZ!

Yeah those are the original screws. I’ve only gone about 30 mi so far with this board and I’m having a ton of little wonky issues already. The motor may be fine, but here’s another weird little problem I’m having. Wobbly wheel on one side…This is so annoying barely gotten to go out with this thing yet and constant constant fixing shit

I wouldn’t mind a little bit of wobble if it wasn’t super loud and pushing the bearing out after every mi or 2

I agree with @ShutterShock they sound normal to me. I’ve never had a dual drivetrain where one side didn’t act slightly different than the other side or coast a tad longer or sound slightly different, et cetera


somehow it sounds unbalanced or something like that. got no idea how that’d happen though

If red loctite it is not working, use the green one and let it cure for a night, avoid checking the motor spin for that period of time. The axel of the wheel pulley seems to be bend, that is creating extra axial force, that will bring problems to your motor in the future. I would use the belts as loose as posible to minimize the problem until it is fixed. Motor sound could be a loose magnet, that moves under certain rpm…I am the kind of person that will open the motor and search…

which part of the wheel pulley is the axel?

Lol you got a crappy wheel, I guess it happens

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it’s something with the pulley, because without the pulley the wheel spins true

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You could try searching the motor but I think the loose magnents are usually a lot louder than this, to me it sounds like bearings-

OH hmmmmm

Lets see. Well I think there is one possibility out there if it is a screwed in wheel pulley. Is it?

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Sorry, doing my best and I am limited when it comes to be more precise in English…I just hope you guys understand me…


yeaup it is, it’s TB kegal core pulleys on caguamas. I think @Santino is onto something in that the pulley is probs bent. It’s hard to tell exactly. What are some other better options for kegal cores than these screw in ones?

Press fit. No bolts needed. Always true.

Not a bad deal. Think @Brenternet said $18 for shipping


You’re doing great man! :smile:

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I think one possibility is that the pulley is bent, and then as you tighten it down, it conforms the wheel to the pulley. If you find a dowel or something to stick the pulley on you might be able to spin it and check

@:44 -:49 when you throttle up, the motor looks like it’s shifting in it’s mount. either that or it’s a video artifact.

Hi, everyone, found this thread so I’ll just post my question here as its related to motors making wired sounds :smiley: I’m pretty sure its a loose magnet. It sounds like something is hitting some other thing in the can :slight_smile: Can this be repaired by noob like me? I have seen people epoxying magnets. But I have so many questions. Taking the motor apart seams straight forward but what than? Which epoxy should I use, do I have to takeout all the magnets, just the loose one…ect…?

Not being able to start it with the remote is a problem. Are you using sensors? If so, unhook them for troubleshooting and try unsensored, monitor results.

What firmware version?

Try a BLDC hand test. See if there is a clicking noise then.

It started making that clicking noise when I released the throttle and engaged it back again. While constantly accelerating or trying to maintain speed or while coasting there was no sound. The throttle wouldn’t engage in reverse form standstill. I still had brakes tho. I’ll try running without sensor cables when I come home. Sorry I have no idea what firmware version I have. Its a Flipsky 4.12 esc :slight_smile: Sorry for my ignorance, why is the firmware version important? I haven’t changed it recently…

IMHO chances are high it’s a loose magnet, but definitely not guaranteed.

Sometimes the newer firmware versions have issues with clicking noises, though not sure this matches up exactly with that scenario.

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Ok. Thanks…I’ll come back when I check the motor.

So turns out everything works again as it should. I just took of my enclosure end one of the phase wires has been loose (bullet connector not fully connected). Looks like that was the culprit. Haven since taped it to prevent it from rattling or puling apart and no issues since.

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