NRF51 Modules for FW4/5

Miss the good ole days of just plugging in an HM-10 module and good to go?
The NRF51 plugnplay days are here :partying_face:

These modules will be flashed with the latest firmware, just enable UART, plug it in and you can connect with the Vesc Tool app from your phone. They will be pinned for vesc6, if you need it repinned for vesc4 just let me know.

Disclaimer: To be only used for phone app and logging, do NOT pair NRF remote

Price is $25 shipped within the US.
If you want 2+ it’ll be $20 shipped/unit

I can start shipping next week and currently not taking payments. First batch will be US only.
Poll below is to gauge interest, please vote if you intend to order.

  • 1 Module
  • 2 Modules
  • 3+ Modules
0 voters

Poll for EU


Ship to uk now…

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move to US now… :wink:


Ya know what fair enough

packs his bags

But seriously if we could arrange a bunch of people in the uk to get would you be willing to send like 10-20 over

Also what modules are they? As in what makes them better then the flipsky modules or something like that

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Explain to me…

It works just as an bridge between vesc tool and vesc?

A bluetooth module?
TCP like?

Programming wirelessly.

Correct? (Never looked into the nrf,ble stuff except metr)


It allows you to change settings, run wizards, and log from your phone, can use it as a TCP bridge to connect from your computer wirelessly.

@Halbj613 I’m not familiar with the flipsky module, if it doesn’t have the latest firmware released a couple days ago, it doesn’t work with FW4/5 on the vesc


I don’t mean to be that guy but aren’t these just off-the-shelf $8-9 units on Amazon?


Yep, just flashed, pinned, potted and shrunk. It’s just a matter of ease for people to just plugnplay.


Gotcha- dont mean to comment on your asking price for a polished unit- but do be wary of people using these as NRF receivers. The antenna performance is hit or miss on some of the cheaper 51822/832 modules floating around there. For BLE alone they’d do just fine.


Yeah I’m only advertising these for app use and logging


Sure thing, but the firmware allows for NRF pairing as well.

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52832; 52840 I believe are better as receivers

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Bingo, and not all 52840 antenna implementations are the same (goes for any of the nordic SoC). The antenna is 100% on the module design and varies considerably between manufacturers.


I got a few of these coming to be programmed for our ventura crew


Best I can do :person_shrugging:



Buy from this dude if you aren’t keen on making one.


:+1: :metal: :metal:

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If there’s enough demand, @BigBen has agreed to handle these on the EU side

  • 1 Module
  • 2 Modules
  • 3+ Modules

0 voters

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Will take 1 if price can be kept low enough

Price should be the same in local currency

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