Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Is this gap between the spacer and hole in a rockstar II going to be fine? (It’s like this for all 5)

Hello! I have a few small questions. I have $1500 to spend on a eBoard, and want something with 30 miles of distance. Do you think that’s possible? Also 20 miles per hour is fast enough for me.

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30 miles is a stretch at $1500 of budget but you should be able to get close
20mph max should be pretty easy to reach

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Test ride it extensively. Meaning go for a short ride and see if they have moved any. And I mean ANY. With them not sitting against the wall, you throw the risk of them possibly back out. You could loctite into the standoff. But I’d still test extensively before trusting it.

If it was me, I’m running the same wheels, I’d get the appropriate standoffs before I’d trust it on a ride longer than my block.

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Belts or GD?

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You could build one with that budget

How about 20 miles of range and 30 mph top speed for $2000, I can easily make it happen :wink:

Gear drive, aarrgh makes me remember I have to remove the wheels for detection

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Thank you. My Meepo "v1.5"™ just broke the battery compartment and I am interested in more range.

i’m lowkey a tad lazy for exact prices so imma guestimate a tad

deck up to you: $150-200
90+mm wheels or Cags if you wanna udget a bit more: $60-100 ro so?
BN M1 gds: $200 for dual
BN 270mm hangers + baseplates: $200?
Maker X retro: $160
Flipsky VX1/Maytech whatevertheirmodelnameis: $100
enclosure: depends on what you want, let’s say $80
10S4P + charger, let’s just say $400 for the lot?
i think i covered everything

ya that’s pretty close to $1500 give or take a few

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This is for a build I’m slowly working on, so I won’t be able to test for a while. I got these off of since it seemed like the only place stateside that would carry something like this, and these were the ones closest to the size I thought I needed :confused:

If anyone could direct me to a place domestically that would be nice, otherwise I’m paying like 30 dollars or something + international shipping from lacroix :laughing:

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Stop believing the hype lol. You can run detection with belts/wheels/gears still on. I’m my experience it plays very little difference in results.

With that said, if they are brand new or brand new to you motors on a very first detection, run them by themselves.

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10s4p, wow that is twice as big as my Meepo!

@Boardnamics maybe?

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Amazon bruh. I believe they’re are m4 but I may be wrong. You can usually find sets of standoffs with different sizes in them.

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They are new, I ran detection once only tho. I’ll take them off I can’t buy new ones lol.

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Yeah Kevin is my spacer plug lol


it may vary depending on who builds your battery (it’s recommended to have someone like A13X or Duck or i think maybe Big Red? any trusted battery builder apart from Aviator build your battery, tho i think Duck is busy

but 10s4p should get you pretty close if you can stretch your budget on other areas of your board

i estimate 10S3P to still hit low to mid 20s range, you can also probably to 12S2-3P

i’m a dummy and forgot the motors

tack on $180 or so for FS motors

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We have a thread that lists trusted battery builders:


Thank you very much!