CONCAVE PADS (for all your flat chested decks)

Looking for some concave for your flat decks? image
This thread may help you out.


I recently did some research into concave pads for my MTB and decided to summarize it for the people interested in this topic. Also made a video on them:

There are plenty of people who use (3D printed) concave pads and really like the feel of them. Moreover, the Kaly decks which have aggressive concave on the edge are very loved aswell. So the main reason to use concave pads is wellā€¦ you guessed it to create concave on a (relatively) flat deck. Trampa boards are pretty much flat along the width, In my case I often get foot fatigue during longer rides >15 km (especially on heavy terrain). I recently also joined a racing event at a go kart track, where skilful cornering is pretty much one of the factors to getting a good lap time. Here I think concave would also help out a little. Plus, I think a bit of concave just looks a bit better.

For comfort one might also want to look into MBS bindings since everyone here really seems to like them. I might buy a pair in the future.


Sabre Blades by @SabreDynamics
These concave pads flex with the deck and make it a bit wider as well, providing great carving and control.

E-toxx flaps
These are essentially aluminium concave pads which also extend the deck width. These have to be attached by bolts through the deck, also providing great carving and control.

Max Capps Imppants
Griptape implants to create localised concave on your deck.

Here are some threads I found which also include concave pads (might be useful as inspiration for some of you)
If anyone has more info please let me know

Beautiful pads made by @sebaszz. Maybe he can upload them on thingiverse for us :wink:

Jonny1983 pads on @Sedmii ā€˜s build

Jonny1983 coffee smell concave mod by @taz

Griptape inserts/concave


(my design) Trampa Concave Pads: Trampa Concave Pads by Creavenger - Thingiverse

Trampa HS11 Concave Pads: Trampa HS11 Concave Pads by Jonny1983 - Thingiverse

Trampa 3D concave extension: Trampa 3D concave extension by Koringer - Thingiverse

Prototipo concave:

Excluding the griptape inserts, all these pads were 3D printed. The best material to use imo is PETG. TPU or TPE is also possible, just like PETG it allows to be bent to match the camber (or rocker) of the board but it does allow the slightest bit of cushioning/deformation on the edges. Of course, this is also depending on print settings (my thingiverse link contains more print info).PETG will not deform when you press your foot into the materials, ensuring you can transfer the force to the deck.
You can also use PLA or other materials (experimenting is always welcome) since the pads are relatively thin and can be bent easily.

Concave pad design (advantages and experience)
I printed the available files on thingiverse in flexible filament on my Prusa MK2S.

I decided to print the Jonny1983 pads, which felt great just putting it on the deck and standing on it. I didnā€™t want to use the small nose/angled part for the deck, so they were just a bit too short and one side did not taper off.

Then I printed the carver pads which were way too smallā€¦ should have checked the dimensions haha

A fellow forum member @starky_boi asked me to print some pads for him. We agreed I should make pads which are a bit longer and tapered on both ends. So I made a new model, the pad is 22 cm long and approximately 5cm wide. This will make sure the pads will not interfere with most top mount battery boxes. The pad can be used for both the left and right side of the deck.

He tested them without bindings and really liked them.

ā€œThe added leverage really makes a ton of difference IMHO. It really does add the otherwise missing skateboard feel, and riding with bindings is now even more comfortable in long rides. I feel more in control and I feel less strain on the top of my feet as I donā€™t have to tighten the straps as much.ā€

I have also tested the pads without bindings and they feel great, definitely more control than without pads. I also tested them with bindings and it really locks your feet in nicely and feels comfier for the bottom of my feet.

Epoxy method: Credit to @starky_boi, looks awesome!
Sand deck, glue pads on with epoxy and clamp them on the deck (optional, coat pad in layer of epoxy for extra smoooothnesss). One point of attention, is the use of epoxy, make sure you use a good epoxy because TPU and PETG are generally hard to glue.

Double sided 3M VHB tape:
Try to use very thin tape, otherwise you might end up with an edge visible through the grip tape, to counter this you could only use one strip of double sided tape on the outmost edge of the pad so the inner part of the pad sits flush with the deck. You could also go for the epoxy option or donā€™t press the griptape too much on this edge transition.

I would encourage using concave pads on flat deck mountainboards, since board control and ride comfort will increase. There are some options available to 3D print, which are easy to 3D print and pads like these are relatively easy to model. Additionally, if you have a mountainboard setup which is mainly used on streets, pads like these could replace bindings and still give you good control over the board and result in a cleaner look.




Thanks, added :ok_hand:


Great write up. Thanks mate.

I watched the video earlier, and have a question:
When you fix the grip tape, I can see you started from the end near the centre of the board. Did you then push down the centre line of the board, or did you push it into the concaves and then ā€œstretchā€ the grip tape down to the board surface? Video moves a bit fast to tell.

Iā€™ve got a good head on my shoulders, and have done vinyl wrapping before, so can probably work it out (maybe). Or I could just be really cocky and totally screw it up!

Is grip tape even stretchy?


Vicious grip has some good stretch to it. Also conforms well to complex/hard curves and corners.


Thanks Harry!

Applying griptape is pretty easy, I never vinyl wrapped anything but I imagine it being a lot harder. My jessup griptape was not particulary stretchy, but it allows to be formed over curves easily. I just stick 5mm of the side of the griptape square down parallel to my electronics box and then start pushing it down with my fingers along the surface of the concave and board, working my way towards the nose end of the board. The griptape should easily form to the curvature, no special steps needed.


Gotcha. I just watched the video again at 0.25x playback speed and it all makes sense.

Thanks all.


Added some more information and links :love_you_gesture:

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I added a remix Mountain Board MBS Trampa Concave Wing by Ledwards84 - Thingiverse

I would like to see completely flat decks. Easy to mount enclosures to a flat surface. Then you can place plastic plates on top with camber. The cool thing about replaceable plates is you can adjust the camber by swapping out plates. You could even have different camber for the front and rear. Would work great for all boards.

Decks have shape for more reason than just your feet.

Different concave/camber/rocker drastically affects the way the board handles, especially in terms of flex.


True. With a flat deck, aspect like flex and torsional rigidity would be easier to tune and manufacture.

Iā€™m not sure iā€™d agree with that.

Is there any thing for mbs dylan warren 2 to make less concave or make more place for feed

Ahemā€¦ Granda Plata 43" deck -- first batch


Well, thatā€™s almost flat. I mean a deck that is designed to be used with concave pads.

I donā€™t agree with this, itā€™s much easier to control where and how the deck flexes but adding or taking away the curves in certain areas. You can add pop and flex where needed by adding certain shapes to the deck. (obviously not all there is to it)

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