Hi Esk8 enthusiasts,

Vesc-Tool 2.04 with FW 5 support is now out and available via the Play store and VESC-Project website.
THX to everyone who helped with testing, feedback and code!

Why is VESC-Tool 2.04 such a big step forward in comparison to the prior VESC-Tool?
VESC-Tool now comes with support for single processor devices, controlling two motor drivers.
So everyone owning a UNITY can now use VESC-Tool for configuration + enjoy plenty of new features like HFI and use smart remotes like the WAND.
The new VESC-Tool will also support the upcoming Stormcore ESC.

Jeffrey and Benjamin had a meeting in CA just before Corona fully kicked in. The flight back was already affected by this terrible disease. It was really last minute. I contacted Andrew and he also managed to get there and join in. There was a lot of luck involved to make this happen.

The reason for that meeting was mainly the integration of the single processor-dual-driver support + setup of dev branch and making another face to face meeting possible, which always helps to push things forward. Who knows when we are free to travel again!
Incorporating single processor support was quite a task, especially having a clean implementation that does not clutter up the existing code base. I think everyone was a bit afraid of the workload.

But the single processor-dual-driver support was not the only mayor thing in this software release! 3000 lines of FOC code added, and plenty of small changes forming a huge improvement together.
Motor detection is now a lot more reliable, especially for motors that are difficult to detect!

This is the change log, a short version covering only the biggest changes:

  • FW 5.0 support:
  • Single processor support, for e.g. unity.
  • Added NRF pair to VESC Remote page.
  • Added detect all without CAN button.
  • Updated observer gain calculation.
  • more precise battery indicator and range estimation
  • Added support for FW test build flag.
  • Added unity firmwares.
  • Added Stormcore firmwares
  • VESC 6 MK IV firmware
  • new NRF-Dongle firmware
  • Removed some uncommon firmwares.
  • Disable LZO FW compression if 3 consecutive chunks fail.
    (for those who struggled upgrading from forked and older software versions)
  • Added CAN-list with connected VESCs.
  • Filter pages based on selected motor and app.
  • Log setup values in desktop VESC Tool too.
  • Added IMU orientation calibration widget.
  • full throttle response after exceeding RPM limits in reverse
  • Duty cycle based current limits (so that the motor does not hit full RPM with full power)

When a powerful E-Skate reaches the top speed of the motor, it can feel like hitting a small obstacle or pot hole, since the motor will not spin any faster than defined by the KV value. To avoid that situation, you can now gradually ramp down the motor power shortly before the motor reaches its max RPM.
For the now, duty cycle based current limits need to be set up manually for each ESC (or side of the ESC). We hope to bring this important feature into the Wizards soon.
A value of 85% will smoothen out the full speed power cutback.
Go to Motor settings > General > Advanced to find the setting.

Benjamin Vedder will probably come up with a Youtube video shortly, going into some more details.
If you value all the hard work, please consider a donation to the VESC-Project!

Stay safe and ride carefully! Use the profiles to adjust the speed to your abilities and for testing out your new software setup!


Any news on the stock 99Amps battery setting when setting the vesc up? So a more conservative setting.

Or the vesc tool telling me that one of my (v)escs has an older FW (connected via CAN) after literally updating it 1 minute earlier?


Wow ! You dared.
No shame, just, you dared.



I love the new IMU calibration wizard from Nurxg in the balance app.

Been riding Fw 5 on my Onewheel and it rocks.


Seems like this change log is just for the vesc tool changes. It might also be worth also listing some details on the changes and benifits of upgrading to the new firmware version.


What ESC? I’ve been wanting to do a DIY onewheel for ages

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There is a glitch with PPM in combo with smart reverse. Expect an update in the next hours to fix this.

I hope everyone using PPM and smart reverse can wait another short while.


I am running dual Focboxes connected over Canbus but I know people are also running it on Flipsky 4.12 successfully. External MPU6050 connected on I2C however means you loose external Bluetooth connection if you are only running 1 ESC.


Okay that’s super cool, and the boards I found for MPU6050 on eBay are like $5. I am definitely doing this with dual 4.12s for a cheap build


how did this happen? why was this not noticed by the beta group?

EDIT: oh i see you included last minute commits with the release that were not yet beta tested. This is exactly the reason there are beta testers. maybe if you were less keen to turn this into a Trampa PR stunt then it would be safer for everyone.


Yea I notice it, updated from beta 9 to stable and notice that ppm throttle doesn’t work :sweat_smile:

Will look forward to the fix ASAP :+1:

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Does HFI work with smart reverse?


Sorry if I get something wrong here, but I thought all this FW5 thing should be a step forward as we learned from mistakes before.
New FW is going through a beta phase and only after that there will be a release.

Why we now have a released FW with a bug which came from last minute additions which didn’t go through the beta tester phase?


yes it does

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Mr free of any faults: I would advise you to to be more constructive in future. S… happens, that is the way it is. It can happen to anyone at any time.


I would advise you to keep your advice for yourself.
Where were you when we were beta testing ?

Only when it’s released you pop up for rewarding yourself of all this work ?
And you ask @ducktaperules to be more constructive ?

Oh man…


my constructive comment was mostly ignored.

yes some shit happens, i get that. Im a developer and i know that there will always be bugs, it cant be helped. Thats why you have a testing group, so that these small mistakes don’t make it to public releases. This did not need to happen because the beta group would have easily picked up this problem if you had not pushed untested code straight to final release.

Really your lucky this bug stopped throttle working. imagine that this instead stopped breaks working if you cross the erpm limit, a possibility considering this change affects how erpm limit is handled. Someone could have been seriously hurt.


@rene Sorry if i am derailing this thread. I genuinely think there are big improvements in FW5 and im super grateful to those involved for the time and effort they have invested.

I also feel that the recent changes with the dev branch and beta testing nightly releases are hugely beneficial to both the project and the community.

But it kinda makes that effort a bit pointless if the day before release you add new code (especially stuff that changes remote behaviour) and push that to the stable branch without allowing time for it to be tested.

The goal here is not to make anything personal. Its to promote healthy discussion about how updates are managed. To do that we need to discuss why this release has a critical big in remote code and how the same scenario can be avoided in the future.


@ducktaperules I love what you guys deliver - and as I read you answer I deleted my post.
And you are right - its important to analyse why this release bug happens.

Only some hours ago, I installed the “not final” v5.0 remote on a friends dual VESC system. As I was a happy beta rider without any problems - riding current smart reverse.


new Trampa vesc confirmed???