That’s exactly what happened to one of my TB 6354 motors. Sensor stopped working and I wondered if battle hardening could help with that. I guess you answered that question.
I’m having a bit of trouble visualizing this (the 3d printed piece that would help). Would the epoxy have to be in an almost liquid state for this to work?
I really like the way @DerelictRobot showed me by taking the can off and attaching it to and drill so that you can spin the can as you drip in ______ (no idea what he used lol jb weld? J/k)
The board you riding in the videos, how heavy is it? I can barely get the nose up from my board if i try to turn from a standstill. I rarely do it because getting off,picking it up and adjusting it is far more efficient compared to me trying to jump and turn the nose.
This is true. Ultimately I only ended up doing this on motors that were lacking a thick line of epoxy, just to gap fill. I’ve found that ultimately nothing works better than a precise epoxy solid fill between the magnets.
No, not 6374…
6384… and i don’t mind a bit of epoxy on the magnets. It’s a 2min job to remove after the epoxy is fully hardened. As min with the one I use. @akhlut did the most beautiful job I have seen so far and that without need to use any tape or stuff.
But really, with battle harden it’s just what works for you. There are a lot of ways to do it and even if it takes one hour…it still save you lot of troubles later.