You can use acetone, carefuly remove the retaining ring, you can help your self with and awl…once you do that use the awl to push the magnet away from the can to break the cheap epoxy, after magnet it is loose, grab it strongly to pull it from the can…all the time be aware of not letting the magnet crush against the others (they are fragile and can break at thet point)…after removing clean the can by sanding it and acetone to remove any rest of paint or dirt…Once you do the first one, the rest will be much easyer to do…Do it with patience, do not rush…any tool made from aluminium or plastic will make job easyer because they are not magnetic…Do not use heat (destroys the magnetic fields), solvents, or force it is the way…You can google videos from rc groups, it is a common practice for them…folloy the steps of the battleharden threat after that… Battle hardening motors
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