Help!!! My direct drive motor is making crunching sound!!

Hi I have this direct drive motor that makes a crunching sound while it turns at higher speeds cant figure it out.

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of his mind?
we can do that?

Downgrade to firmware 5.2 and see what happens

Uploaded it guys let me know what you think. It’s only one side of the direct drive using 5.2.

So is this drive trashed?

My guess is that it might be the crackling “issue” i had with my motors. Unfortunately i deleted all uploaded videos of it.


Crackling issue did that cause any problems?

Does it sound like this? The way you recorded it makes it sound very different.

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Yeah it starts out like that and only gets worse at higher speeds. At low speed its fine.

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i can’t help ur issue, but seeing u have what looks like the boundmotor dd, can u measure the distance from the lock nut to the end of the axle for me? it would be a great help, thanks.

1.5inch form big lock nut to end of axel.

thank you!

For me it only happens when my motors hit their top speed but only noticeable when i board is locked to lower speeds. When i have my board at full speed and i ride with it, it doesn’t appear. It does not have any impact on riding or the riding feel.

Unloaded ≠ loaded.

This was my observation back when i tried to troubleshoot it.

@BornBoneless have you since ridden your board? (Regarding the same crackling noises)

@NewNoob I’ve been riding like this for over a year now and it has not caused any problems.
What you can do is try the different firmware versions (Especially the stock Unity firmware and pre-5.01 Firmware if available for the unity.

Just make sure everything is working fine before you hit your top speeds.

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I mean yours doesn’t sound as bad though I do not want a locked up motor.

Try upload the firmware i mentioned and re-do your vesc setup, then see if it still happens.

So vesc fw4 can somone link that I can’t find it.

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Whatever the latest Unity compatible FW is, that is not 5.01 or upwards.

Also please keep in mind to not use any other Vesc hardware option, other than unity


I personally would try the original Unity FW because for me i know that it didn’t happen there.

Yeah that’s what I was thinking the original unity tool. Problem is I don’t have an android anymore.

If you are not sure about something, ask first before doing it.

Let me think who the could have the unity FW.
@frame ?