Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

My control type was set to off for some reason🙄 thanks anyways.

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Oof I’ve made that mistake more times than I’d like to admit haha.

Hello, im attempting to do initial setup on my board woth a 12s2p molicel p42a battery and maker-x go foc dv6 controller. I have a power stuttering issue. . Any idea what might be causing it?

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Are you hitting your max speed/duty cycle?

If yes, then that’s “normal” according to frank. I have the same happening but only on the bench.

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I probably am. It seemed like it might have something to do with duty cycle settings… thanks!

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Still not sure why it even does this. Why can’t it be hitting the limit and be smooth :man_shrugging:t2:


Try using an older firmware version and see if this still happens.

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You could try a light load on it while it’s still on the bench to see if it makes a difference? I mean either holding the wheels a bit or getting something you can push on the wheels like a bit of scrap wood (just make sure the board is secured and can’t go flying), that way you can test it out under closer to real life settings without getting thrown off if it goes wrong.

I can’t make a useful observation about what would cause that micro stuttering, but it’s a big ask for a control system to work at such an extreme edge case (max duty cycle, very very little current, minimum inertia or other smoothing effects of having a big mass attached) without some minor issues. My guess is that with no inertia and momentum to contend with, any tiny little corrective action the system takes like speed limiting is very noticeable and appears abruptly

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oh and again, it hasn’t caused any problems so far.

I had an entire thread about it

Date is March 2021 and it’s been running flawless so far, i’m full throttling most of the time so everything has been safe for me. It does still have the crackling noises, especially when my board is limited to 6kmh/h even while riding and or on the bench at that speed. I do not remember it making the sound while riding with “unlocked” speeds. Need to test it again lol.



I have a 72v battery, with the Vesc Tool + Flipsky 75100 can i lower
the voltage to use a Flipsky 6384 190kv 48v motor, if yes how to ?

Thank you.

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You can run a “48v” motor at 72v. It will just spin faster. You don’t need to do anything in the VESC tool for it to work.

Okay, Thanks !

Thanks, thats a good idea. It definitely doesnt inspire confidence on the bench lol.

Thank you, i feel a lot better. I was concerned i had damaged my bms somehow.

can I run an active balance board in parallel with a smart BMS? with the B+ wires and B- in the same spots of course. Would the active balancing mess with the xiaoxiang/LLT?

Hi, I’ve got a wiggle on my gear drive axle mount where it seems like either the mount to my matrix 2s have huge tolerances or maybe I have a slight bend in my axle? (Matrix 2, moon drives) Can someone let me know what I could do to at least make sure it’s tight on the axle.

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@moon :arrow_up:

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The clamp is usually tight on the Matrix hangers. Are you able to check the fitment of the clamp on a another hanger? Has the gear drive been used?


Definitely a noob question but with increasing the cell count on a board that’s already configured for 12s do I have to reconfigure any settings besides upping the Battery Cells Series to the correct amount?

You’ll also have to change the low voltage cutoffs as well. I think that’s it however

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