E-Freeboard Freebord Open source Electric Caster

notice 7 and 8 hole
I think I will postpone this until I get a set of freshies as I need those to design the wide centers mod leiftech, but at $25 a set of wheels shipped that ain’t so bad. I would need to find a way to get a hub to attach a pulley but that should be possible.


I am finally ordering these bits:


That with some 3d printed test parts let me make this

oh yeah need to grab the kfl08 pillow bearings but given they are 608 bearings I can just make the seat in the test arms I print.

Would be good to move away from those sooner rather than later, ok for an early version I guess.

You could probably print a TPU pneumatic actuating suspension system for this application

Beryllium copper maybe, and maybe silver tungsten.

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haha where were you before I figure that out myself a exactly 19 days ago lol

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I hadn’t gotten back to this thread for a while LOL

I was way back in May, and still haven’t read the whole thread yet

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not sure I posted this



This looks to be the cheapest way to get some of this stuff, and ships from 1 hour away from me.

They only have round but I bet it could be rolled into strip if need be.

I guess I wonder if round brush contacts are ok because they should be contacting at an angle and wearing away a rectangular surface larger than the diameter of the round material.

trying to figure out how to make slip ring, reverse engineer leif further

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I think this idea, combined with an electronic brake on the rotation of the E-Caster as well as self balancing on the center caster would be a usable combo. What I imagine is you would be riding it like a freeboard but then you could get going straight on the center wheels then engage the rotation brake, at the same time the suspension lifts you and self balancing engages. if you are sliding when you start the lift system it will ride like an EUC and if going straight it would ride like a OW. Dumb idea to go too fast when doing this obviously.

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oh yeah why the fuck have I not printed a pulley for the JMK ride wheel yet :thinking:

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took a min to find this

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love the shape but butting the brand name in the tread?? seriously??
more rounded, smooth and .5" larger

3 inch option:
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this dude turns baseplates into casters!


working captions


damn foot hooks and everthan
Everyone watch this last one at least!