I dont have an active youtube channel. I put all my content on fb and insta. If you refer tp the Portable Electric Vehicle channel. Thats not me. I just let him use some of my footage. Not particularly fund of the framing in that.
Hi David! Your work is immaculate, thank you so much for sharing your experiences!
For anyone interested in track racing this thread + the one on the old forum is the bible
How is it going at the moment, any updates? Or maybe there is a new thread I have missed?
Anyways hilvedes godt gjort man!
They corona closed my track end November, and it doesn’t seem that they can open again in the near future. So today I have decided to change my setup back to the outdoor 50mph config, and concentrate on that again. Spring is luckily only a month away and even if its below freezing here at the moment the airfield doesn’t get salted, and I might get in some high speed cruising there
Thats a real shame but hey, you’ve got a nice setup going out there on the airfield from what I’ve seen this looks like so much fun (but effin coold ;D)
Saw a really cool video on your facebook of you riding it
Be sure to keep us posted!
Droppin this here aswell if anyone’s interested https://www.youtube.com/watch?fbclid=IwAR04n2jVVD9zbELvswUn5bNFNG9LMfR0VwjgTuN7QZLY4TYz_bnmAp4Kr6w&v=-QM4BiexoV0&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=NoLimitstoRideElectric!
I took this from another tread and put it here as I want it here for my own reference.
I am still to experience loss for the front truck. It’s always the rear and almost always from the middle of the turn to the exit.
Current tire technology still leaves a lot to be desired. We can only be as good as our contact patch allows. Till something better comes along, tune on what you have. There is much still to be tried and tested for making turn speed.
David you ever thought of adding heel straps to get more force on the board for toe side curves?
Or is it not necessary iyo??
I had heel straps on the very first time I tried straps. Had them on for like five laps and took them off. They didn’t do anything for me. Couldn’t feel hat I used them or they supported me. And then I would rather not have them on.
yeah i see
im currently building up a race board and try to get as much info till my parts arrive.
Maybe we see one day on an event
After the very short season last year I am back on the winter track.
Last I made the mistake of making too many changes at ones to the setup.
Setup was slower than the year before, and I had no clue what made it slower.
This year I have made the exact same mistake. Only thing on this years setup up, that have survived are the 3-links and the remote. Everything else is new. Stupid thing do second time in a row but I couldn’t help my self. There were a few things I needed to test.
New narrower deck. Same wheelbase. Back to the 3 cm drop. More agressive concave.
3-link trucks.
New Bishop Racing Products wheels. 140 mm. and wider than the OG.
4wd with open gears 16/67
6354 outrunners
12s4p 40T cells
Two Tenka esc set to 65 amps per motor.
And of course bindings.
Setup max out at 45 kmh. Acceleration a bit less agressive than the in runner / mamba /lipo setup.
With the narrower deck I wanted to work on the urge to move the feet to get the right leverage over the edge shifting topside and heel side turns.
It seems that the narrower deck almost removed that urge. This is a good thing.
But it made the grabbing in heel side turns a bit more difficult. Also more difficult to get the right leverage in the heel side turn where grabbing is needed.
Luckily there is a solution for that. Either leaving a protrusion in the deck next time I cut one. Or work on a new handle solution. I didn’t get to test the handle properly last year.
45kmh seems to be enough for my track here. I did max it out at the end of the session. But that was after an hour riding and a drained battery.
The best thing about today was that the setup overall felt ok good. I dont have a feeling that something should be significantly different. Some minor adjustment with the truck clamping and I think its as good as it gets.
Though I was slower than my fastest lap times. Best today was 33.41 sec. and my all time best lap is 32.32. So a little over a sec. slower. But this is on a completely new setup and only second time on the track after more than 1.5 year away from it. The 32.32 came at that golden session in feb. 2020. The only one session I have had where I got under 33 sec. And that was after at the end og the season.
33.41 first time on the track this season, is approved. And most important. I feel this setup have the potential to get under 32 sec. I didn’t have that feeling with the new setup last year. Back then something felt fundamentally wrong.
I already now know where on the track I can get the extra sec’s I want. Let’s see where I stand a couple of sessions from here.
Some words about the new BRP wheels. Back in 2018 Stooge race boards introduced us the the OG race wheel. That wheel became my favorit short track wheel. This new version definitely feels like a progression. They seem better build. Are bigger and feels more sturdy. They are wider leavings with an impressive contact path, that most be even bigger as the diameter has rose from 120 to 140. Stooge Raceboards are supplying his new production race boards with a 155mm variant.
What I think the lager wheel have done to my setup is better stability and control. They feel a lot more connected to the ground than say the widened pneumatic 155mm.
They give the best grip and riding experience (on the track) I have experienced until now. That adds to the confident on the board, which I think will prove to be the most important thing for me in my pursuit of the 32 sec.
I am really looking foreward to see where the added grib can take me. There I potential there That I have not maxed out yet.
In todays session I was not once out of control. I was in my comfort zone at all time. When I look back to the golden 32.32 session I remember feeling way out of my comfort zone. Feeling that I was on the edge of grip and if I lost it I would be very much in trouble hurting my self in a fall.
I truly think this is where I need to work. Move my comfort zone. Make it bigger. Make the 32.32 golden session within my comfort zone, and keep on expanding t again. This will only come with practice I believe.
Great first report of the winter track season
Excited to see the new build and looking forward to your progress this winter. Pretty solid lap time for fresh out of the box. Fantastic
Two sessions since last report.
Think I have dialed the setup in to my liking. For now anyway. Will properly get the urge to make more adjustments in the not so far future.
One thought I had about bushing and radius rod setup was, that I would love to have them so I can do a full and all effort lean heel side, and the board would turn the right amount for the turns my track. I must realize that, that is pretty hard to achieve. Thing is that trucks needs to be able to turn a little more and bushings needs be a little softer because when I am not hitting the turn optimally trucks turns too little. When I get better I might go back and work on that particular feature, but for now setup is good.
I am still a little over a sec. slower than the fastest lap from that golden day in feb. 2020. (32.32 sec) But I am now consistently under 34 sec. every time I want to be, and today’s best lap time was 33.48. Thats a faster foundation than the foundation I had before that golden day. So I am optimistic.
I know this setup can be faster than the old one. I “just”have to do it.
Focus now is riding style and lines on the track. Spending the first half an hour warming up practicing specific things that I am focusing on that session.
Today it was entering heel side turns. I want to get better at not breaking or speeding while turning. That way I should be able to use all the wheel grip for the lateral force in the turn. I find it hard and difficult to get the exact amount of breaking before the turn and not needing to use the trigger to adjust during the turn.
Working on this highlighted another focus point for me. Smoothness. When letting go of the breaks and start coasting makes the board jitter. Somehow the break/coasting transition is quite abrupt making it hard to control. Need to control that better,
Properly just a matter of pratice.
Awesome read @davidbonde!
Increase the “ramp down time”, doesn’t effect breaking or the breaking response time it just eases out the the jolt you get when you let go of the throttle, especially if you have a lot of rolling resistance through 4wd and rubber wheels.
You should be able to do so over the app if I remember correctly, however I think they have a upper limit on that in the focbox Bluetooth firmware for some strange reason(?)
If that is the case you should be able to increase it even more on the desktop firmware(?)
Someone else please correct me as ran a unity for 3-4 weeks before the antispark blew up and that was a few years ago.
I would guess you need to push closer to the 1 sec “ramp down time” to get it feeling kinda natural, think default is 0.1sec
The acceleration you get from the vesc firmware is slightly worse at lower duty cycles to a comparable non vesc setup. I don’t want to stir up trouble and I don’t know the reason behind it, just want to point that out.
Also depending on how much you care about your battery I would push the battery amps and maybe more importantly the motor amps, monitor the heat but I would imagine the battery to maybe be the bottleneck of the build? Either that or the thermal throttling of the vescs if you run at extended periods of time.
I used to have 12s4p 30q that I set to 110 battery amps and 160 motor amps (total) and rode the crap out of if for nearly 2 years, it def degraded quite quickly but other than that and the massive voltage sag I got when pinning the throttle it was fine!
As a racer I would get a temp gun and get familiar with how hot you can push each component. They are like sub 20 dollars.
Thanks for the advice. Will definitely play with the ramp down and also the ramp up. Would be awesome to change the jitter feeling.
Battery is tool that should be used to its fullest. When it degrade I will replace it.
It should be capable of 140 Amp, and I have set motor amps to 65, and esc should be able to handle 70.
I dont feel the setup is limited. Its faster than the track lets me go. Perhaps it could use a little more torque from still. But I think I can get that from playing with the ramp up time.
I have temp gun with me all the time. Heat is no issue at all with this setup. I am surprised how little heat it generates.
Vision and smoothness. These were the keywords in todays session.
I knew I wanted to begin focusing on riding style again and not the setup. So I revisited Scott Mansell’s Drivers University videos series again, to get inspired and pick up some advice and tricks.
The two most basic things he stresses are vision and smoothness. So that’s were I start.
Vision… Looking ahead of you and improving inputting in through the eyes.
Smoothness… Gentle on the throttle and breaks and less abrupt cornering.
When speaking of smoothness… I took @Schtekarsten advice and changed both ramp up and ramp down. From up 0.40sec / down 0.20sec to 0.50sec booth up and down. That smoothed out the riding a great deal. Still think Could win something in smoothness by upping the ramp down a little more.
Also picked up a few other things to work on again as secondary things like break distance before corner at the end of the straight, trail breaking (yep new fancy word) into the corner and more optimal lines. Its a never ending story.
I got speed back into my riding again today and sat the third best lap time I have done 33.15 sec. Best thing is that even I was fast I clearly saw where I can be faster.
If you watch this clip, and listen to the gears right at the beginning. I am coasting a few meters before I begin breaking. That’s time potential right there.
Next thing I need to give some attention is to prioritize the turns, so know which turns are the most important ones to get out of with speed. Others turns can be sacrificed in order to win time in the important turns. Generally its the turns that are right before the longest stretches on the track.
New wheels… I begin getting a good feeling for the new Stooge race wheel / BRP wheels. To me they seem to break traction in a slightly more controlled manner than the old ones. This is great. That means I am not that afraid of them breaking traction and therefore begin getting a much better feel for how much I can push them.
Also… apparently when wheels break traction in a controlled manner we get more smooth - also picked up from Scott M.
I’m not sure all of auto racing technique can be translated fully into boards. For example trail braking is normally used to maximize tire utilization in the front, but I’ve never seen anyone wash out the front end of a board because there’s no front brakes, and thus 100% of the front grip is used for turning all the time. Similarly there’ll always be a coast time as you transition from acceleration to brake, unless you have dual triggers on the remote and can operate both gas/brake independently like car pedals.
The best kind of remote
I have a track based dual trigger design in mind but haven’t gotten around to designing it into a mod
But even then idk how that works in a system where gas/brakes are all done by a single motor. Usually in motorsport you would dab on brakes while keeping the accelerator pinned if you wanted to transfer a little weight forward and slow down a little while keeping turbos spooled, and since they’re separate it’d work. Not sure how a motor would interpret both signals at once.
mm it wouldn’t unless we had a set of physical brakes, however it does eliminate the coast
Again, something on the backburner, mini esk8 brakes
I wonder if people would want 4 wheel brakes or only two