that track looks as slick as cat shit
It is, Longboard riders had a hard time to even get around the corners. Trampas and evolves manage good enough, aswell as David of course. Finding gaps to overtake is very difficult, challenging and fun though. This is a go-kart track, I wonder if it’s even possible to overtake karts anywhere on this track
Unfortunately I see lots of indoor gokart tracks that are painted cement. I have always thought that they most be slippery as hell. I need to know how to do those the best way.
Oh slick as in slippery? My bad
Man, that guy is really putting in work on that track!
Had two sessions since last I wrote here.
Main focus has been trying to figure out these bindings a little better. + I wanted to play around with my stance - high or low - especially in the toe side turns.
Why is it bindings seem to work so good on the track when downhillers are blasting down without them. I think I have found the answer in the lean / turn characteristics when doing corners. When I watch downhillers I see almost no truck turning. It seems that they are relying almost entirely on leaning. While on the track most of the turning comes from truck turning = deck needs to tilt.
I have been trying to do the cornering with a lower stance and more leaning than tilting the deck. It doesn’t work at all. I need to tilt of the deck more.
I would say that the leaning I do on the track for the most part are to get the tilting of the deck. The bindings helps a lot to both tilt the deck directly and to get the lean we need in order to tilt the deck even better through the lean. Would argue that the leaning needed on the track is different than the one needed while down hilling.
Today I thought that I would be every fast. But I was scared. Somehow I didn’t have confidence in the grib. I think I have been over thinking it all too much the last two sessions. I have had so much focus on the the stance and the binding position and different ways of dong the turns that I think that had led to me thinking too much about when I loose grip.
So It didn’t feel fast today. Though I got a 33.39 lap time. That’s a second slower than my best time but still the fifth best time ever.
So I was actually ok fast, it just felt every slow. It’s like the binding gives extra control, so what before felt fast feels slow now. I had the feeling I could easily push it more in almost every part of the track had I had more confidence in the grib.
All in all I am back to being relatively stiff legged and leaning in over the apex of the turns. Thats what seems to be most intuitively and work better.
So I have decided to stop the adjusting and over thinking for now and get a couple of sessions where the focus is to get speed into the board. Hopefully that will give me the confidence in the grip again.
Short term goal is to get myself under 32 sec. Then 31. and ultimately be faster than the karts. Some how I feel that would be possible.
But I will properly only do two maybe three more sessions before I start the outdoor sand high speed season again.
Greetings, just bumping the thread to enquire about a couple things.
I might be building a board specifically for track racing sometime in the future, so here’s what i understand.
High torque/acceleration, FWD, and good turning radius are ideal. Anything i should keep in mind when choosing parts?
Personal opinion after doing more then 6-7 kart tracks.
I really like RWD. I find FWD very sketchy. Good tires, you really need the grip when you have high torque. I lose a bit of grip in the corners, if it gives me a better time, IDK but I like it. Bindings for sharp turns.
I have trampa hangers but I see that some friends with MBS can take sharper turns on higer speed.
It all depends on your track. Really short track like what happens at intro to speed in SoCal is never above 35mph, so acceleration and braking is huge.
I like rear wheel drive but some like Front, personal preference. Recently the Stooge boards have been getting setup with a front F5 Binding which increases your lean. Pnuematics or those stooge mini stooge wheels. Urethane will make you slide and that’s not fun at all when your racing.
The best board is one that’s reliable and doesn’t push its electronics to the max. Having headroom means you have a better chance of not breaking down and having a failure free race.
Oh and last but not least practice. Lots of practice And 3links… I might have a slight addiction to 3links…
I see. I am trying to shy away from bindings but i’ll see how it goes. Would RKP trucks be good or should i look at something else altogether? Say Haggy Kahua trucks for example?
Thanks for the info @DEEIF, i will probably go for a pneumatic setup, and try FWD.
3LINKS… @MoeStooge do I get discounts for advertising?
No but seriously if you want a true racing build you can’t go wrong with 3links, they react like no other track and turn 10x more. If you hit a bump or a dip they don’t wobble they just squiggle once (no matter the speed) and keep going, I’ve hit things at 40+ and it reacts the same as hitting something at 10mph. This helps you get a feel for the trucks because they react the same at ten and the same at 40
I spend all last season (23 weeks on the track) on fwd. I liked it. But i am back on rwd and looking foreward to the season starts again, so I can see if it gives me what I think it will. I began to experience a bit too much wheel spin when acceleration out of quick turns because I needed to push from the rear foot to accommodate the acceleration and therefore taking too much weight of the front.
I fund the wheelbase to be very important. Find the largest wheelbase that makes you do turns easiest. That will properly be different on different tracks. So finding the sweet spot might be difficult.
I wasn’t able to make rkp work properly. Not enough turning radius. Even with wedging like crazy.
You need bindings if you wanner be the fastest on the short track.
I am designing a short track deck that have all the features I like for the short track. Hopefully it will be ready for when my season starts again.
NEW SEASSON 2020/2021
Track season started a little late this year, but I am back on my favorite track again pursuing what works best for me.
This years setup starts a bit different from last year.
Deck: I made myself a new deck. Criteria was a fixed wheel base that I fund worked the best for this particular track. Then I wanted a lower ride and as big of a platform as possible. The deck turned out pretty damn good considering it is first version. It just need little adjustment.
I have been out and about in the streets on the deck as well and it works surprisingly well there also. Being nimble turny fucker.
In order to get the platform as big as possible the wheels gets pretty close to my feet. Was no problem on the track, but might be it on the street. The deck was made to fit the new version of the 3-links with 155mm widened pneumatics.
Trucks: New version of the 3-link. I had an older model on the setup last year. The new version seems to react quicker than the old one, but the turning radius seems to be the same. It has a slightly different feeling that I have to get used to but the trucks did the same good job as last year. Do think I need a little adjustment with the bushings to get it just right.
Wheels: Last year I ran the Stooge race wheels. This year I start out with the widened 155mm metroboard wheels. I want to see how those compare to the race wheels. I have a strong bias towards pneumatics and now that Brandon has provided some stretched ones making the contact path the same as the race wheels, I just have to see how these are on the track. I can’t say much about this after the first go. I need some more time on the track to see where these take me.
Bindings: At the end of last year I added bindings and cut 2 sec. almost instantly. I did have some problems setting up the back binding and I wanted to see if I could get away with just the front one. But no. Absolutely not. Being able to hang from the back binding as well, just makes things faster.
I still get a little pushback reactions from using bindings in my track videos. But I think I have reached a point where I am pretty confident that if you want to do your fastest on the track you need bindings. There is no way around it. There will properly be a much more talented rider out there, that can beat me with no bindings. But my claim is, that also that person will be faster with bindings. This discussing reminds me of the pu vs rubber discussing we had a couple of years back. That discussing is dead now. This will too eventually
Front vs back wheel drive: I changed from front wheel drive to back wheel drive. I was happy with the front wheel drive last year. But wanted to try out back wheel drive now that I have become faster altogether. Also I had the feeling last year that I could accelerate from standing and out of turns better with back wheel drive. But I dont think so now. With back wheel drive its like I come out of turns a bit more sketchy and with the change of oversteer. I feel I could start acceleration sooner coming out of turns with front wheel drive. I will see the next couple of sessions if this feeling continues.
Gearing also a bit different from last year, but with the wheel change its hard to say anything smart about that.
It’s relatively many changes from last year. And I felt that I was not particularly fast. But I think that’s just a matter of dialing in the setup completely and acclimatizing from the high speed - huge deck setup I spent all summer on. But if I keep being this slow (2sec. from the fastest last year) I need to investigate what is not working compared to last year.
And then I just lost feeling with the perfect track line. The line slowly came back to me doing the session. I feel that this is the ost important thing to concentrate on to be able to reach the times I did last year.
Next session is in two days.
I’m following this extra close this year, can’t wait to see what you find out works best!
David, I cannot thank you enough for your time, attention to detail and research findings with your ongoing test program. Looking forward to more. Any chance of a drone follow video on the track or a view from another rider?
Thanks Brad. Its a fun process. I will see if I can get the fpv drone boy that helped me before out here. But have tried for a year now. He is busy filming commercials, winning drone races and looking after his school.
Small update. Frustrating day at the track this week. I am just slow. 2 sec. slower than where i ended this March. And I have made to many changes to know what it is that makes me slow.
This week I changed a little on the power output. I have been doing 60% and I tried 50%. I wanted to see if I could have a power outlet where I could just slam the trigger in real fast when going out of corners. I cant do that with 60% I have to ease it in a little. But 50% is just to weak. Doesn’t take me to the top speed that the straight can handle. So I changed back again quickly.
I really dont have any clue on what to start changing to find the speed again. A little irritating as I would have loved to worked on reducing last years times. Now I have to find them again first. But I guess it would be a valuable learning experience.
I took the board outside on the airfield today and played with it. Think I am donna start with adjusting the bindings to get another foot placement. From today it seems that I might get something from that. I did change the position from last year to this year. If it makes a difference I will report here what and why.
Given my time spent racing dirt ovals. Making several changes nearly always resulted in slower
Lap-times. I would suggest an undoing starting with wheels. We had this as a rule, one change at a time. Dial the change and prove it before moving forward to the next thought. Super cool to have someone focused on performance. Big big fan of what you are doing.
This week I was back on the race wheels. Think I like them better on a track like this. Reason why I wanted to try was that in Stockholm I had a hard time gripping on that track which was painted cement. It looked like the pneumatics had a better time there.
But on this track with asphalt the 1 cm more wide race wheel smell better. It also gest me lower which I like. The biggest thing would be that the pneumatic feels a bit more sluggish in the turns. I have taken ut quite some pressure so they feel a tiny bit more unstable in the turns when pushing it.
It also felt like the turning in general got different with the race wheel. Felt like it was easier to control more firm and faster. But hey that could just be me fooling my self.
I also put on a handle. That makes me grab easier and I dont have to go as low. I do get a lot more force. Can feel I have to learn have to control that.
Just before the session I lost a screw holding the motor. So I had to take one from the motor cap. It all felt a bit sketchy so I didn’t push it today. So still slow
Just watched your YouTube channel, you’re going crazy fast man