Rideneo - Vendor ID Discussion

I would love this as well. It’s the end of month and I ordered the parts based on this estimate. Would love an update at the least if possible.

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The profile looks different. The cut and curve seems different too

Damn you got me. I’m jed. Sorry guyzzz


I agree, different curves etc




Tik tak tik tak


incorrect. There was one day of overlap. And you probably shouldn’t have been given that information anyway since you are not an admin.

The more I think about this, the stupider it gets.

  1. I seriously doubt that a bunch of Chinese squiggles are going to directly translate to “Jeff Wu” in google. Every Asian person I’ve ever met uses an Americanized name unless their birth name was something that stupid americans couldn’t make fun of. Even beautiful names like Fu and Wing get people acting retarded. Would you take a guy named Bong seriously? No.

  2. IPv4 C and D blocks are bought, sold, leased, and reused like crazy. Because we’re out of them, that’s why we shifted to IPv6. They’re everywhere, and not always with their original owners. Nevermind the fact that on any given day there are 100 people with the same IP in the public library I work at. And the burger king, and the mcdonalds, and probably the giant fucking factories in china. So yeah, two people in a factory zone in china having the same IP over the course of a little over a day is not terribly unlikely. Especially when they’re both in similar areas and visiting everywhere. Especially when they have to VPN around the great firewall. Does it look bad that it was these guys? yeah. Is it a smoking gun? No! Its circumstantial at the very best, and its the spark that started this. ITs the foundation of the entire argument. Every other argument I’ve heard so far is conjecture at best.

  3. I have also been talking to both of these people for a very, very long time. I brought Jeff into this forum, and I still talk to Jeremy. JED has delivered nothing, Boa has delivered a lot of something awesome, and Jeff has delivered something to some people.

My first instinct when I was contacted about this days and days ago was to vomit and call @jamie because he is like a rock when things get stupid. I’m terrible at handling stupid as it happens. I think we all know that, which is why I haven’t said or done anything at all about this until right now.

My personal opinion as of right now given what I have in front of me is that all of this is stupid, but I do not blame anyone for continuing to get their facts straight, ask for clarity, and form their own opinions.

I also support some sort of verified ID system but I have no idea how we would implement that beyond manually altering accounts and manually checking people’s IDs which would be arduous but probably worth it, and still likely easily sidestepped by anyone willing to go that far to take your money and run.

I will shut up about this now and will let things broil per usual.


maybe your comment wasn’t that serious, but I’ll comment on this anyways… lol
If you look at Jeremy’s hands in other video clips and pictures they look completely different from the ones in the rideneo clip. No match. Not even close.

Who knows to whom the rideneo hands belong … and also if you scroll through the jebboards insta, there are quite a few hands that don’t belong to Jeremy either. Maybe they are @longhairedboy 's hands? The plot thickens!!

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No, not serious. I think we need to give jeff some slack


There is a not insignificant chance that the hands are just part of a grand simulation.



still eager to hear AlexTech’s 2 cents on the matter.


For the record, Jeff Wu is in the process of making me new hands. So there’s a chance I could be confused with someone else in the future.


not often I use this, but


If the watch band don’t fit, you can’t acquit.


It is my professional opinion as a CISSP, HP ExpertOne, HP CSE, MCSE, and 30+ other certifications as well as 2 degrees that Jeff Wu & Jeremy Bogan (jeffwuneo & captainjez) are either the same person or acting in collaboration.

Both accounts @jeffwuneo & @captainjez used the same WAN IP within 24 hours of each other. It was @captainjez Last IP Address, 24 hours earlier @jeffwuneo Registration IP Address.

Last Seen: Jul 2, '19
IP: 113.81.174.xxx
Location: Huizhou, Guangdong, China
Organization: No.31,Jin-rong Street

Created: Jul 1, '19
IP: 113.81.174.xxx
Location: Huizhou, Guangdong, China
Organization: No.31,Jin-rong Street

ICANN Registration defines the geographic data for this IP as Guangdong province.
Jeff Wu claims to reside in Wuhan. Guangdong is on the coast, Wuhan is central China.

There are 360 million + PUBLIC IP addresses assigned to china bu ICANN. They would have to be at the same address on the same LAN or Wireless LAN given the population density to still be on the same /14 IP block and they are likely on a larger block like a /11, I’m just being conservative.

I can categorically say that this is not obfuscation via proxy or an encapsulated VPN. It wouldn’t work behind the China Firewall and there is no VPN in play.

In theory both users could be using the same node access, but it’s unlikely unless 1 of 2 things have happened…

  1. It’s a mobile network which uses a NAT based proxy
  2. The end point gateway is shared wireless service, same situation as mobile but typically smaller footprint like wimax

Both of these have been ruled out assuming the icann registered data is correct, and in my experience it is 99.9% of the time.

Both use the same Google VPN service terminating in NYC.

From @nske: neoHUB Group Buy (Same as loaded motor but sensored)

DNS has nothing to do with it. This IP address is one of 2,097,152 in that /11 address block China Telecom has allocated for the Guangdong province. This block seems to be used for fixed-line services, since the mobile network IP addresses are allocated under the name China Mobile in the APNIC registry. As far as I can find, China Telecom operates consumer lines the same way as ISPs in the west (i.e. provides an xDSL/FTTP connection that has its own IP address). It would be unbelievable if two unrelated facilities either shared the same connection or happened to have been assigned the same IP address, within a day (let’s not forget the temporal relationship).

Also let’s not ignore the 2nd recorded pair of addresses, are allocated to Google, for Google Cloud services. I’m not sure what service could be running there (some sort of proxy or VPN). It could be the Compression Proxy service that IIRC Chrome for Android has as a feature. On its own it’s not strong evidence, but it adds up to the already extremely thin odds.

Then there is this…

jedboards.com (http://whois.domaintools.com/rideneo.co)
rideneo.co (http://whois.domaintools.com/jedboards.com)

Both the jedboards.com and rideneo.co domains are hosted on the same server, or at a minimum at the same site on the same server farm. When you start a new account at CloudFlare, you can easily add domains to that account, but to get different nameservers, you must start another free account.

All of these domains reside at the same name server.

The nameserver info was passed to me by another user whom prefers to remain anon, but I independently verified all of it for myself.

Lastly go look at the source for https://rideneo.co/ & https://boawheels.com/. Search for https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1739695016280463. Both sites use the same ID. IDs are unique, assigned by account as far as I know. Also, both sites use WPBakery Page Builder, Woocommerce & Auto Optimize plugins and the same “Salient” theme.

I have show all of the info that I worked from, go verify it. All of the info is publicly available other than the WAN IP usage and those were disclosed earlier so I’m not breaking any privacy laws or moral code.

I’m out.



Somebody has done their homework, and not just shooting from the hip!


Oooooo!!! Detective :eyes::ok_hand: Mike wins! That’s pretty crazy.

Same name server and plugins. Lol :joy: same wrist band!


Mike is a warrior for truth. And he doesn’t shoot from the hip.

You wake up Jeremy now.


…amen brother…
