I’m super excited to share my ever-evolving race board to you all in a running build thread format. This thread has been growing a lot over the past year of constant rebuilds and refinements, reaching close to 500 posts by the end of 2024.
Huge thanks to @tuckjohn for nominating this build for BOTY 2024. It’s time to make this thread readable for those who either got lost on the way during the endless updates or just now finding out about this build, by giving a structured overview of what happened over the past year or so, and where you can find certain things in the thread. Both important part changes / rebuilds, and important race updates will be highlighted. 500 posts cannot be shortened easily into a 10-15 minute read, but I’ll try my best.
Phase one - RaceBro on BN channels (2024 March - 2024 May)
The year started out with me wanting a proper a race board for the racing season of 2024, as my previous mountainboard build wasn’t exactly up to the task. I loved that board and it’s what got me to start racing seriously, but it needed so many upgrades to actually be competitive that I decided to start from scratch. Meet the RaceBro, a raceboard originally intended to be suitable on track, suitable in the woods, and suitable to ride in the streets.
This board was built on a short deadline, I only started shopping for parts late January, every part came in by late February, and the build was finished in around 10 days of super hard work. Middle of March the racing season started in Prague - but by that time I had to finish a rebuild of my previous mountainboard and a newbee link board for my friends so they could come with me.
- My trusty 2021 stiff Haero Bro deck
- Keeping the F5 bindings and heels from the previous board
- BN310 channel trucks with an M1-AT straight cut 5.2 gear drive
- MBS Rockstar Pro II XL rims - with a 3D printed widening spacer
- 9x3.5 slick gokart like tyres for the ultimate asphalt grip and a set of 9x3.5 turf tyres for offroad grip
- 21S4P P42A pack built by myself
- The most overkill fast charger that you can imagine - adjustable voltage and current up to 92.4V 34A (until it got replaced by a 45A one for absolutely no good reason
- MakerX D100S with a small external heatsink, pointing down towards the bottom of the enclosure
- Placed inside a pelican storm im2050
- Reacher 6395 v6 175KV motors @180A hopefully
- GT2E remote because I wanted to try trigger and because fuck Flispky and their VX1s that tried to kill me
Scroll through posts 2-49 to learn more about the build process, it was explained with a lot of pictures and detail. Below is a picture of this iteration of the board, right after being finished.
Then post 49-77 is mostly about small tweaks and trying to figure out stability.
Prague race update (2024 March)
The time finally came to go to Prague, with a half tweaked-in board. I had a ton of fun, but stability issues with the trucks became apparent, and after this day, I wasn’t pushing high speeds on traditional channels anymore. But it also reinforced me in that I want to continue racing at a high level.
Post 78.
Some further tweaking
Post 79-134 just talks about the small tweaks I’ve been doing on the board, trying to get it more stable, and trying fix the software config, and then a couple small race updates on T-race and the 0-20 mph drag times.
At this point I upped the amps to 200 per motor, and did a decent 0-20 time on the 9x3.5 slicks.
In the meantime I climbed up to 11th place on the T-race leaderboard with a combined time of 28.24s.
Breaking bindings
Post 135-159 is bindings talks that was iniated by me breaking my bindings for the 4 time in total, but more worryingly for the 3rd time within a 3 month period.
Cyborg gloves
Post 160-179 is experimenting with the idea of a GT2E remote mod, that retains trigger control but adds slide puck usage possibilities while controlling throttle. This was scrapped due to causing a fall that wouldn’t have happened with a regular setup.
Then in post 179 you can see how I achieved kinda the same endgoal with much less complexity.
Blowing up a D100S
Post 180-194 is about me blowing up my ESC. This brings the end to phase one of the board.
Phase 2 - resurrection on Duality trucks (2024 May - 2024 September)
Post 195 to 210 the rebuild is in progress with Duality trucks and a replacement ESC graciously provided by MakerX.
These trucks were the single best upgrade I could’ve possible gotten to the board. The truck feel on traditional channels that I ran previously were lacking, even though I had nice CNC machined ones on Riptide thane. And these immediately felt like what I imagined from the beginning when the idea of this board formulated in my head. And oh man, after I started tinkering with them they got even better!
They allow a ton of lean, they are stable, they feel great to carve on APS bushings (and for people who aren’t low rebound fanatics on Kranks), and great to race on WFB bushings, more on that later. If you aren’t convinced that you need them in your life just yet, go read through my whole thread post by post from the start of phase 2. You’ll be convinced by the time you finish reading.
Posts 211-254 are about me enjoying and tweaking the new trucks.
Waldshut race updates (2024 June)
By this point, the build was really starting to come together, and it was an awesome setup to race on. It was also my first podium of the year, results finally started to show.
At this point @TZDKB planted the idea of WFB bushings in my head, which I tried soon after the race, being super impressed with the pure performance they offered.
After the race before taking the tyres off, I did another 0-20 drag time, being geared for more power than the tires can handle. This put phase 2 of the board on the 4th place of the drag leaderboard.
Post 255-259.
Preparation work for Phase 3 (2024 July)
Post 259-277 I already had some of the parts arrive for Phase 3, and had some parts arrive Phase 3’s sisterbuild as well. I was working on my tire setup, truck mounting, and binding mounting.
WFB bushings are real deal for racing (2024 July)
By this point I finally put in set of WFB’s to see how they feel, and damn I was impressed. Straight line stability and stability while racing have never been better. But at the same time, turning has never been easier. I was swapping from APS, which is already a middle ground between Krank (what most people run) and WFB. First corner while racing I was so surprised by the ease of turning that I stood the board up on two wheels by exerting too much force deep into the lean - these just don’t tighten up if you lean deep the way other bushings do. I did a couple writeups about how impressed I was, I recommend giving them a read - both in this thread and in the Duality trucks sales thread. Be warned though - for carving they don’t feel as satisfying. They make everything easy. Perhaps too easy if you don’t like pushing the limit constantly.
Working on Phase 3 again while also working on the sisterboard (2024 August)
Post 279-297
Balaton Karika updates and Phase 3’s sisterboard build (2024 August)
First I needed to finish up my friend’s build which is basically the same as my builds late 2024 revision to make it to the group rides. We were so late, we only finished for the second day of the 3 day event, then having to setup VESC in the blazing sun when the others started the ride… Was not fun. Even though I’ve learnt previously to always click at least 3 times on the read button when changing CAN sides, apparently that wasn’t enough. Now I read 4 times… Anyways, somehow 2 ESCs ended up on the same CAN ID, and I was trying to debug it while running out of laptop battery barely being able to see the screen at all in the sun. Not recommended. But we somehow got it working without figuring out the root of the issue at the time, so we just rolled with it.
Post 298. It starts out with the build of my friend’s board, and continues with the event. This was a 3 day event, that started with a small race, then followed by a 200km+ group ride around Lake Balaton in Hungary.
Montrevel updates (2024 August)
Post 314-317. I was really hoping I’ll be finished with the 4WD conversion for this race, but I just couldn’t make it due to my university reexam (which left me 24 hours until a 1400km+ drive to finish it and rest). So I was rolling on 2WD.
My tires just wasn’t up to the task on this surface, therefore I was just fighting to stay in 1st category. This made me rethink my reliance on the 9x3.5s, and I ordered a set of Linnpower slicks afterwards as an easy solution - and a couple other tire projects are in the works for Phase 4.
Phase 3 - RaceBoi - the 4WD conversion (2024 September - 2025 esk8con
Post 318-323 the long overdue rebuild was finally finished up to the stage that I can start using it again. And 4WD didn’t disappoint on track. You can have all the acceleration power you want with 2WD, but you simply don’t have the grip to brake hard, and it results on significantly lower top speeds on track and a time loss.
The new spec sheet
- Tomiboi Hellhound deck, truck holes drilled further outward, carbon on the bottom
- Tito Duality trucks
- F5 bindings and heelstraps
- MBS Rockstar Pro II XL hubs
- 9x3.5 slicks and Linnpower slicks depending on the occasion
- 21S4P P42A
- 45A adjustable charger
- 2x D100S
- new pelican storm im2050
- 5.2 ratio straight cut BN drives
- Reacher 6395 v6 175KV in the rear
- Reacher 6385 v5 173KV in the front
- GT2E remote
JumpBro - another RaceBro resurrection
After having the 4WD conversion finished, I was left with a bunch of nice parts from RaceBro, that I just couldn’t let sit… So I immediately started planning my offroad build JumpBro, which got it’s own thread once new parts started arriving.
That board while is operational and has a battery in it currently, isn’t truly finished yet as it’s dedicated battery will only be finished in 2025. And it’s getting a set of Dualities after esk8con as well. This however finally makes sure that I have a nice off-roader build, that I’ll actually take out into the woods. RaceBro was originally intended for this purpose as well, but was just too heavy, and I was lazy to constantly change tires, so it had very few offroad sessions.
Tweaking the 4WD and regular T-race updates (2024 September)
Post 324-343. By the end of it, I got down in the 13.xx on T-race, and ready to fight for podium in the next race.
Pardubice vol2 2024 race updates (2024 September)
Posts 344-356. At this race, results started showing again - and this time on the 9x3.5s, as although I ordered Linnpower slicks, they arrived one day late because they got stuck for a week in customs.
A second place on the podium was a good result, which was only reinforced by the Kartplanet session before I started driving back to Denmark - where I jumped all the way up to 2nd in the all time rankings, with a 51.99 lap time.
Getting the Linnpowers fitted and some serious T-race results (2024 October)
Post 357-423. These tyres catapulted my ranking on T-race all the way to 3rd place on the podium, with a 12.82 toeside and 13.27 heelside time, before the bad weather came.
Cologne track update (2024 October)
Post 424.
@TZDKB got a follow cam video of chasing me
And by this time I bought an insta 360 so I have some selfie stick footage as well
Pitland preparations (2024 November)
Posts 439-449. I made a (shitty) tire warmer, softened up the tires, went to 37.5/12.5 truck angles.
Pitland season finals (2024 November)
Posts 450-455. I started out very strong in the first heat, grabbing first place for a bit, but then my endurance couldn’t keep up. Doesn’t help that I couldn’t practise for a month due to the weather. Finished 6th. Then we ran a position race where people ahead of me made mistakes, and I ended up on 2nd place there. It was not the important race, but a podium is a podium nevertheless.
Brainstorming future setups (2024 December)
Posts 456-463. Some actual race gokart slicks are in the works for 2025, along with a further dropped chassis, delivering something like a power steering effect (see the new SRB lineup).
Hope it was concise enough to be readable in one go I’ll try to keep this updated in the future as well. There’s already a ton of stuff planned for Phase 4, lets just say I’m excited for 2025.