RaceBoi: Tito Duality, Tomiboi Hellhound, 21S4P, 4WD 6395+6385, BN straight cuts, 9x3.5s, D100S (formerly RaceBro)

This is gonna be a long update post.

Not much progress has been done on my board but my friend’s 4wd copycat while not finished is operational.

There’s quite a bit of work left but most of it will be left after the Montrevel race. Till then it’s only getting swapped to the 8x3 Carlisle slicks and a new set of PETG rim spacers as the original PLA set finally failed. Not from use though, but from heat. It was left in a dark blue car in the sun at 35-37C ambient for a full day… It warped pretty badly from the heat

The battery build for that:

The finished heatsink and vesc wiring

On off button and receiver not pictured, wiring will going to accommodate the sensors as well which were not hooked up due to lack of time. Running VSS at the moment

Looking good on my 9x3.5s as well. It’s going to get one of the fresh 8x3 sets though!

And some balatonkarika updates: it was a 200km+ group ride event we attended with a small race on the first day. The race was mainly onewheel focused but esk8s also had a go. Sadly the timing was messed up. The esk8 race was on a rubber running track, really narrow, not a whole lot of stuff could happen. I was the fastest by far which was expected. I was surprised by the medium grip of the wide slicks on the rubber surface. I suppose higher pressures might have helped again but I was lazy to experiment. There were some pictures taken on a nice camera as well but those haven’t found their way to me yet so I’ll upload them later. Then I had a go on the onewheel track as well which was an off-road track, much more fun.

The slicks kinda worked. Real slippery but enough grip to have a bit of fun without competition. On the loose parts they didn’t sink in which was a plus.

The trucks handled super well offroad as well, taking the edge off the harsh bumps and they were stable when landing jumps. Did a few small ollies off some small ramps, no crazy jumps though

Then the 200km+ two day group ride. Me and my friend were 90 minutes late with the start due to some vesc config difficulties (bullshit stuff). Then we had to catch up to the rest.

This was my friend’s first time riding his board. He absolutely loves the Dualities and the 4wd.

Some fast charging half way to catch up

Was “only” charging at 30amps other than taking this pic because P42A don’t like more than that :crazy_face:

Then some panorama pics

I also had a fall, lost some skin on both my knees due to over throttle while turning onto a dusty road. Not fun. Unfortunately that’s it for having a bath in the lake…

Of course only because I refused to wear my bulky tsg dhp kneepads in 35C / 95F weather. I need to buy something for next summer that isn’t as hot so I will actually wear it…

And that’s about it for first day!

And second day.

Started the ride with knees that hurt like hell on every bump so you can imagine how I felt by the end when we got back to the car.

And my friend had his first fall on this board on this day, loosing grip on the shitty 9x3.5 turfs while carving.

But at least we have it on video :laughing:
Looks gnarlier than it is, he is okay though

Was a fun weekend!

And regarding my 4wd it should be possible to get it done for Montrevel race. But time’s tight. I have an exam on the 28th, no chance of working on it till then, and driving from 29th morning. However I should be able to get it done in one day.

But also the longer and lower deck in itself would be a tremendous advantage over the current setup there. And 4wd would also be pretty nice.

So now I’ll have to decide if I actually want to take it apart before…