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I’ve actually gotten excited cops before asking me questions about Orbital while riding, they don’t care. They literally ticket acoustic cyclists more often for doing Idaho Stops. Speed limited ebikes and escooters are legal here, so skateboards get a pass too, unless some particular cop has a hate boner.

Absolutely, but that’s only part of it. Cities in NA are built with so much sprawl, and with residence/commerce/jobs separated by so much distance, that people get locked out of other modes of transport for most trips.

[Houston TX vs. Paris France. Same population size here, different density. Guess why it’s possible for most parisians to bike/take the tram everywhere :upside_down_face:]


Um , Parisians, (spelling) don’t have their car tied to their masculinity?

I lived in northern Florida and southern Georgia a bit. And well you can get in a fight over pickup truck brands. Happened to me” Enna(me) ,you a Ford or Chevy man?”

“ I don’t really care,whichever model I can afford andsedmsgood that year.”

Well I got a black eye from that.

I got a Prius in my divorce, I drove it to my union construction job for 7 years. I can’t tell you how many of my coworkers started shit on the road,only to find out I’m working next to you and unlike you I do have the balls to drive a baby blue Prius.hell I’ll find pictures of me hauling a trailer and 2 liter bikes to the track with it.

Fuck cars


literally only use my car if the kids need to be somewhere…

per week
car - ~10-20km max
Boards - 200-300km


I think we need to go with boring pod cars,they would link up in a train when on major freeways, to reduce accidents and increase density. Then you drive it on the smaller streets. We don’t own them per se,more as needed. I don’t have the answers, but I have been widening freeways for almost 3 decades, in the Sf Bay Area we are at max width( we took all the center space and all the easements on the EP (edge of pavement opposite center divider.

Now we are us styrofoam underneath the freeway for a number of reasons weight is a big one. I built chase stadium,there is so much styrofoam in there, say a city block 20 feet high is about right. When I have to demo that stadium,what do we do with all that crap?

I also demoed candlestick park, werecyled 92%of it. Lots has to change


The acetone industry will have a field day

So it’s high density, but we were wondering about spilling gas on it
Edit I’m struggling with words more after the last concussion

This is caused by each individual decision to move somewhere in the suburbs. It’s not this way because the system set it up this way. It’s because of every person who shops for an abode and wants to be on a cul-de-sac and have a yard and garage and a horrible monopoly internet provider. Each individual decision all together create demand for that sort of housing, driving up the prices, and the demand causes more to be built.

It’s also got a lot to do with NIMBYs vetoing new dense construction around them, because it will rub their ego the wrong way.

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Forgive me for I have sinned. FB Esk8freedom provided this gem.

“I cant believe nobody has the testicles to test these”

Hes looking for some mtb riders if anyones keen

Buckle up

@Shadowfax Dude, I just had to write you a note. After you deciding on going with the 8” mudpluggers, I decided to try my TRAMPA 9” mudpluggers on Gerry again (it had been a while) and I have been missing out. No more Alan Kerr tires. Go 9” mudpluggers. :rofl:
She looking sweet all dirty.


Thanks for the heads up!

I decided to go lightweight with the wheels+tires on my build to try to keep it jumpable. I picked up the apex 8" shit slinger tires, and I’m going to run them on the tomiboi hubba hubs.

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That’ll work :raised_hands:t2:

For sand accept no substitute…well MBS T2 9” works too. There is still a lot of sand hard to keep traction on so have these on the way - wider. May even improve wh usage…we will see


Cleanest my bench has ever been… waiting on parts


SoooooOOOoo I’ve been away for awhile. Will there be an iron foot this year? I’ve got a score to settle

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I’m down. I hate my legs being able to walk.

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2023 is the year of the drag race

lemme see them drag race! - The Green Room - DIY Electric Skateboard Forums


You’ll have a hard time beating @PedroMcJimenez


Jaykup was too busy to host it this year unfortunately. We’ll have to make it happen next year one way or another.
I, and I’m sure others, were there in spirit though!
I had 4 rides between 145-200km, was a damn hoot.
Lots of things have to go right on the long days to not need a ride of shame, though most things planning prevents. That point really hits ya when you’re 90km from home :rofl:
Case in point, I snapped a rear kingpin 14 mi into the next ride after my 200km day. Shit could have been tragic had it happened on some of the routes and speed that were had on the previous ride.
Ride fast and far fren :metal:


Yeah, I copped heat cutouts cause of the Perth summer but didn’t get time to fix things before the comp finished. Next time I’m hoping to crack the 400km in a day.