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Probably this

That’s a big deal, make sure you get the correct kind

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Got to drive a Tesla yesterday… man those things have some serious get up and go. If you get the chance to get behind the wheel of one… Drive it like you stole it

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@alankerr thinking about weight on this mtb build, and I can’t find a weight listed anywhere for the turf tires (AKA 8x3.00x4 4 Ply, Cheng Shin 8582). Do you have one on hand that you could weigh by any chance?

I really like the look of the turf tires, but think I might end up going with mud pluggers to save weight

This is the stuff, sets clear and doesnt run away even at double the rate for hardner.


@Shadowfax Hey buddy! Here are the weights with and without tube.

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710 grams with tube, 578 grams without. Couldn’t upload pics for some reason.

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8” mudplugger vs CST 8x3x4




Dang that is huuuuge. Much bigger than I was expecting. Thanks for weighing them. Definitely heavier than I want at least initially for this “jump” board.

Would you mind also sharing the 8” mudplugger weight?



Oh, motherFUCKER


How many months did it take to get a reply?

Four of 'em

No worries. 350/405

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“State of Opportunity” my ass

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I’m really just building a motorcycle without the handlebars, and handlebars ain’t part of the required equipment list. Rigged system smh


Something about detachable shitty handlebars that might be way too short to use anyway. AKA headlight holder

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Its illegal in Ny!?! Really?

yeah but its just never enforced

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Still lame , we need to embrace alternative modes of transportation.I build freeways, it’s a loosing proposition. In Ca they just funded a study to put tolls on All the freeways.
Let’s use me as an example. I can’t take public transportation I’m at work at 6 am and it’s in odd places. I average 60 miles a day cost would be 370-470$ monthly

They forcast a 15% increase in population and 13% slower freeways