My Corona I choochoo |13s3p I moondrives I 100D SC |

Agreed, 11s3p 30t/40t/p24a+ or bust

Look in the PM group chat for my messages regarding cell layout, and if the 10/11/12s 4p 21700 one isn’t there let me know and I’ll draw it out again.


You got this. Just loctite the axle bolts on. It’s sketch as f** but you’ll just forget about it after a while.

(I rode on the same type of thing for ~400 miles. Only moderate brain damage to show for it)


If everything else is as it should be (hub screws fully tightened, no axle spacer,…) and the threads still don’t engage the nylon insert then it’s just wrong and needs to be swapped out. Customer service should handle a swap without any drama.
If you need support on it just CC me on your response (


You the man Joel :ok_hand:


Thanks @MBS, they do engage the nylon so I’ll try em out with some blue loctite and see how it goes. Thanks again for the quick response!

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Flip the nuts, nylon inwards?

I’m going 13s3p HG6 with a little visit with a trim router. Click the link. My madness manifested in battery layout diagrams, spreadsheets, etc.

also fitment


Looks like an interesting cell. Should give you a bit more punch than 30q and at 13s it should do the trick… but small p groups scare me… sag fear is a real thing.

I’ve gone 13s3p 30q for my neo build, hopefully it will give the neohubs enough juice.


Insane! A well thought skateboard tank :grin: that exactly the “soul” @deucesdown pictured with the original representation of the ChooChoo deck.


Nice dude, this has been updated since I last looked, appreciate your work! Man 30T cells would be amazing but that’s way above my skill level. That 13s3p layout with HG6’s looks like a nice compromise. Thanks again for sharing the info!


I was going to do the same! :laughing: Just need to wait 10 more days for my mandatory self isolation to be over so I can access my tools.

What’s your goal with this build? To me it looks like a board meant for snowy weather with those wheels. If it’s just for the street, maybe you don’t need that much torque; they are dual 6374s after all.

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Man this is nice, answer to the MBS 5star Vs eToxx situation is here

and here

Soundtrack here

Now go shave yer nuts


You had to do that on both trucks? MBS needs to sort that out. The bearing distances for rockstars and 5stars are very similar

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Omfl. Love it :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:
Baby monster truck looks awesome :clap:


No only the truck with the drives on.not MBS’s fault. The 5star hubs are wider than superstars, add the etoxx drive and even with extenders it overwhelms the amount of axle protruding etc = reason


Ah in this case the hub sits on the start of the axle. The axle is simply too short lol


don’t fucking chicken and egg me pal


How much?

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ding ding ding! That’s exactly right! The snow all just melted here though, so it’ll still be fun for some offroading. I will probs swap out the 9" for 8" tires when there’s no snow.

$20/day for the next year. Exactly the amount of money I’m missing out on due to this lame ass virus :rofl: :kissing: :kissing:


I really hate to bust your balls bro, but I don’t reckon that thing will even move in the slightest bit of grass or uphill.

Serious man, your torque situation is gonna be dire on this setup.

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It’ll be fiiiiiine

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