Hi every
I plan to build esk8 base of car esc.
I try to find 10s car esc.
Unfortunately, I can not find it
Could anyone share experience about car esc building experience?
Hi every
I plan to build esk8 base of car esc.
I try to find 10s car esc.
Unfortunately, I can not find it
Could anyone share experience about car esc building experience?
I don’t know a 10s car esc, probably because it doesn’t exist (at least in hobbyking). But experience with non vesc esc I have a good bit.
First off, you’re better of buying a vesc, you will not regret it, there are some maytech in micchoby that are at a pretty affordable price.
If you are sure you don’t want a vesc, I would abandon the idea of a 10s and go with a 6s pack with a lot of amp discharge. And then proceeded to buy a x-car esc of 120-150 amps. I could sell you one for pretty cheap, from my first esk8, I’m pretty sure it’s somewhere at home.
Second. If you’re set on a 10s battery for whatever reason, you could also buy an airplane esc which normally supports higher voltages, but they have disadvantages as difficult to setup/no brakes. And normally no on/off button
Edit: Picture of X-car esc
Also, a 10s car esc doesn’t make sense for the RC car hobby as they really don’t need such a high voltage. If you want high voltage, go with vesc.
Edit: vesc link to shop: https://michobby.com/collections/superfoc6-8-discounted-kits/products/best-discount-2pcs-maytech-superfoc6-8-based-on-vesc6-speed-controller-50a-for-electric-skateboard-mountainboard-robot?variant=35727073018017
I have single Focbox. Try to find waterproof solutions.
Car esc is much simple and bullet proof on water and rain
In that case you’re better off building a waterproof case for it, pretty sure that is not that difficult. But I’m afraid that there are not 10s car esc even in AliExpress
I’m currently experimenting with new solutions for water protection and they haven’t been tested enough to recommend at this moment, though they do seem really good so far.
There are threads for this though
sorry but what’s the point? there are cheap vesc’s for the odd 50 dollars each. if that is too much get a Hobbywing or LiYing esc. RC stuff was something people used 10+ years ago there is a reason people moved on.
I feel like one of those 4.12 single flipskys would be pretty easy to waterproof
People still use car stuff for racing because of the sheer amps they can put out. Probably not suited for this application but don’t disregard their purpose entirely.
I have spoken
I rode dual HobbyWing Max6 ESCs for more than a year in a big city. Massive power, more than any VESC based ESC ever, but at the expense of control.
Maybe you can tame it with Expo, but then you’re delving into RC Tx and Rx, which I wouldn’t bet my life on for signal authority in signal dense environments.
DSSS failed me multiple times, and I don’t have FHSS experience. I think in the end from that perspective it comes down to the quality of the radio they put into the controls more than the frequency hopping protocol chosen, and sadly RC radios with a form factor that suit esk8 tend to be lower quality (that’s the actual radio component itself).
As it stands today, off the back of experience gained by falling multiple times due to various reasons (power delivery not suited to a human’s reactions while standing on the vehicle, car ESC aggressive switching between acceleration and braking, signal being overpowered) and visiting the hospital, RC tech is a no go for me.
I’m currently using VESC based ESCs only, combined with quality Rx and Tx. Hoyt Puck is my remote with OSRR coming soon.
@MoeStooge might disagree with me on some points. Notable that he uses Castle Creations Mamba XLX ESCs though.
@malJohann some similar experiences with the 8s 200a toro, and 8s 200a hobbyking trackstar.
Everything changed with the XLX. You can tune it for a beginner or baller. Data recording. Brake and throttle ramping. Amp and volt limiting on any percentage .
No weird qwerks , fallouts or anomalies or failures. Castle is a USA manufacturer and have complete control of every aspect of their ESC production. Could be something to it.
With this ESC, I can out accel, out brake, out top end all vesc based controllers without worry of failure or fallouts, motor for motor.
This is so sick and sounds sooooo good to me.
XLX seems not waterproof
Conformal coating and/or a myriad other DIY solutions. Pot the thing if you have to.