… K00k made me say it.
Well post your favorite threads, from whenever.
One that immediately comes to mind is Sand Runner.
So the other weekend I took the mountain board out on the beach here in Washington state (Long Beach if you happen to be local). The nice thing about this beach is that cars are allowed to drive on it, so nobody even notices if you’re racing up the beach on a skateboard (actually a lot of people noticed, but in a good way)
The downside to the mountainboard is the motors are not sealed, it’s chain drive and the wheels are 8" but way too skinny to be of much use in sand. It worked, but it took a l…
Did you just call me a mofo sir?
That thread is gold who knew it was just sitting there.
Be careful unbridled @kook behavior is more addictive than heroin.
Ps. Better hit that serious tag before he shows (like that would change matters )
This is one of my favourites, some excellent fibreglassing stuff in here
I wanted to finally start logging a build here at the risk of making something that dosen’t work so we can all learn together.
One of the hardest things I’ve found about esk8 is sourcing well-fitting enclosures cheaply. One route is ABS or Kydex. However, I don’t have an oven big enough to soften the stuff to form around a mold, plus my lady will kick me out if she finds me using the oven to bake anything other than food again.
I have some decent experience in shaping foam and laminating surfb…
You are channeling kook…mine is the frit thread I could search for it but meh…
I am sure most of you know how to do this but for those who do not I will be taking you through the steps I use for putting a layer of glass frit on the board as griptape.
First there are a few different ways that people on here have done this. For instance @Sender use epoxy which works very nicely but depending on where you are it may not be readily available or the price tag may be too high. You can also use lucid grip which uses glass frit but is a spray on adhesive and it doesn’t last whic…
July 13, 2020, 12:58pm
This is awesome thanks
July 13, 2020, 1:57pm
Seriously ?
Everything is there, love, action, passion, treason, broken hearts, some public executions… feels like a Shakespeare and got the whole forum occupied over months
July 13, 2020, 3:07pm
these guys are doing some fun shit…
Hi everyone !
We are two friends and french rider, Alexis & myself, maybe you saw us a the Paris esk8 cup last year and we are doing what de can call an esk8 adventure trip during 15 days between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean ocean, on a distance of about 1000km!
Here is more or less the itinerary. [canal_deux_mers]
We will take the view, having fun on our boards, probably some hard times, it will be fun! We’ll try to share the adventure as much as possible here on the forum and some hi…
You’ve definitely got the job of designing the marketing of my hot West End esk8 musical as soon as covid is over.
Careful @BillGordon gets mighty jealous of wordsmithing at this level.
wow, I’m honored! I’m glad so many of you found this useful.
My favorite threads are @Halbj613 threads. Build threads, sales threads, they all end the same way. He really has a unique skill here
July 13, 2020, 7:54pm
i accept, but only if there’s a musical sex scene figuring @kook and @glyphiks ,
we’ve been waiting for this too long.
how come this is not on here yet? This EPIC thread has almost 8 thousand replies.
Batteries are dangerous if not treated right. Nobody want to have a fire at home or lose a board due to a wrong battery design.
This thread should be a summary of clean safe battery packs as well as a place where you can come and ask questions all about how best to build your own pack. Feel free to upload pictures in progress and ask our opinion about the layout, weld quality or what ever you not sure is right done or not.
@moon if I remember right you had a punch of pictures from well made p…
July 15, 2020, 8:11am
The @Flexboardz thread also is amazing : one of the more “different” project i saw on here
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