September 3, 2021, 9:05pm
Related threads:
TB110 72A wheels have common delamination failures, since TorqueBoards isn’t replacing them people are left trying to fix them themselves:
For the record I don’t think this issue is widespread and this only happened to 1 of my wheels.
So after a few more rides with the issue getting a bit worse and more dirt getting in there I decided to clean it up and glue it.
I used a couple soldering tools like flat edge screwdrivers to wedge it and make enough space for a dental water pik to flush the cavity out.
I used orange degreaser for some time and scraped what I could out with the tool. And followed up flushing with the dental pick t…
TB Direct drive hangers are very prone to bending. TB have done nothing to address the problem, leading to 3rd party vendors providing replacement parts:
Righto cocks, I’m sure you’ve seen em before, the good ol’ @torqueboards direct drives.
[received_518413176209187] [received_193565582307922]
Do your hangers look like this? Wish they were straight?
Good news! If we can gain enough interest, we can most likely come up with a better, stronger solution.
I need at least 10 people who are truly interested in this to even get a price happening, so if you or anybody you know has some bent TBDD hangers, let me know!
And please post photos of your…
People in general have issues with these drives, bad bearings, scraping, slop between drives and hanger, etc. Here’s an example of someone’s experience:
Ya 8 bought two sets of the TB DD75 Kv motors and both sets had one motor that was defective, hit the gas and i would get this crazy skipping, almost stripping sound and chattering feeling…not the motor being loose on the hanger (i think that us standard issue for every set of DD’s from TB… that is an easy fix) mine felt like the like the rotor was skipping past the stator or something like that…i really don’t know what the issue was I just know they got super hot super fast and the reaked of burning death electrical smell after 2 miles and one motor still would spin freely and the other one that smelled of electrical death I got much much harder to turn and certainly would not spin freely.
I ended up with two of the four motors still working all right.
I bought thousands of dollars worth of stuff from torque boards and and just about every shipment something was missing or incorrect I got kegel adapter rings with abec Drive pulleys in the same package they shorted me on sets of AT tires, I bought two batteries and paid for the upgrade to the 4 amp charger and I was sent one two amp charger and one 4 amp charger it just everything had a problem the stuff that works worked well and I will give Dexter credit for being responsive and after much emailing back and forth refunding my money for the stuff that didn’t get sent but I didn’t even try to deal with the motors being defective I just figured I would cut my losses and take my business elsewhere and since then I’ve been a much happier builder.
TB trucks don’t have their axles installed with enough threadlocker, so they can fall out while riding:
Just FYI, everyone should really aggressively check their axles/generally their whole TorqueBoards Direct Drive units that they are not loose in any way, it seems my 75KV dd’s axle just fell off the hanger.
This is the 2nd time I almost got very injured from @torqueboards Direct Drives. First was in October on some 90 KV’s that I think have a magnet issue and threw me off the board, which was that board’s inaugural ride, luckily at a low speed so I was able to run it off. I sent those back to h…