Hi guys, have you seen this NEW 75V 100A Single ESC from Flipsky?
Here below is its Feature:
Two COMM ports, UART bluetooth module, IMU,screen display or remote controller supportable.
Based on VESC, programmable via vesc_tool with overheat and overcurrent protection.
For more details, pls check this link–Flipsky 75100 Foc Single Drive Esc 75v 100a Brushless Sensor Motor Speed Controller Base On Vesc For Electric Skateboard / Ebike - Parts & Accs - AliExpress
Welcome to order yours on E-ARK Tech Store on Aliexpress.(48 hours flashsale, only US$96 after discount)
At the same time, we are excited to release this NELF S1 strip controller made by Maxkgo.
Time to make your ESK8 MORE COLORFUL. You will see how cool this product is on this video.
Welcome to get yours on this link below–https://bit.ly/3FPdvvt
Get NELF S1X Strip Controller here if you prefer better price with big size –https://bit.ly/3iWRj95
What’s the difference between those two controllers?
S1X strip controller is bigger size than S1, and S1X price is $10 cheaper than S1. Let us know if further questions.
So you sell the LED stripes as well?
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Buddy of mine picked one up for bike stuff. I’m def looking forward to seeing what it can do.
Nice post, I think I was complaining about the first time this went up a few weeks ago so this is cool thanks!
Yes,LED stripes are available, too.
thanks and welcome to try both the esc and skateboard strip controller.
Sounds interesting. So how can we assure to get a sample for the community and post here our experiences with the product?
We are able to offer discount if you purchase from us, pls let us know if you are interested. Thanks.
We could test the ESC and the lights and write a review here on the forum. We could also make a detailed video of it. If you are interested just shoot me a message.
I also don’t get if the VESC is capable of 16S or 20S. The title says 75V the description 14-84V 4-20S. What is true?
It is 20S, * Voltage:14-84V (4-20S). This Vesc is optimized based on 75100 series VESCs.
Sounds interesting, so do you want to provide us a community sample for testing purposes?
October 18, 2021, 8:35pm
I have a local guy who has a spare 20s battery lying around
We have also some 20S batteries here
We are only distributor of flipsky products, please contact them directly if you want something for testing.
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