3D printables for esk8

Damn, those memories…

This is my favorite daily cup of coffee in the office.

And this is in the closet, doen’t see any action.

Thinking about making them more modern…


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Ive gotta try that one, could be cool for my mouring 4 am runs when no ones up.

Currently red bull has been my go too but its getting expensive.


Made a slight update to the riser light thing here:

Was previously using a 1S battery and TP4056 for charging it but going to run a wire from the bat input on my VESC to the riser light and just power it off the main batteries using a buck converter (rated for 60V on the input side, took a month or two to get here but it is what they said it is from the looks of it)


Hmm, how come the 3d printed one got less use?

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What do you mean?

You said the 3d printed on gets less use, i was asking why so

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It’s bigger and requires too much voltage for practical use.

I suggested to plug it into esk8 battery once on builders forum.
This will be more practical

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An enclosure from my latest build - a 22" pennyboard.


@Mikenopolis and anyone else, heres my hummie deck xlite holder cable riser.


Thank you! @Mudders


Any chance I could get a CAD file for that?


@moon I tried to add the .obj file to thingyverse, I think it’s there and assume it’s what your after!

.step is best and I know thingiverse accepts it :slight_smile:


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I dont get that option on tinkercad, unless I’m doing something wrong (first go at cad soz)


not sure, never used tinkercad before but it should be obvious if the option is there.

I haven’t used Tinkercad before either but it is possible it is in an export option or something then you can select a different file type

If not that then under save.

Can I see a pic of the top of the cutout with this light installed? Trying to see if I can insert the charge port and/or the power switch up top too.

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10 Cell Shell for 18650 (with balance lead canals)

6 Cell Shell for 21700 (LiitoKala) (with balance lead canals)


Very nice dude

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I updated the VX1 Receiver case.
Now it has a UART and PPM version.

And yes i know that my creations always look a bit janky but hey, they get the job done really well :slight_smile:

EDIT : Also prototyping on a Back light mount for @IDEA 's mounts.

I know that i could mount them on the trucks or on the bars itself but i don’t like the angle and the visibility.

‘‘Designed’’ for the these lights :