Why is no one making / selling top mount enclosures?

Brian loves carbon fiber, I’m pretty sure he was extolling it’s virtues earlier .

Carbon is the new tinfoil? Will it block 5G ? I don’t want to get herpes, or space herpes

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I actually love carbon fiber composite, it’s very svelte.

Unfortunately, it’s not super useful so far on electric skate vehicles. At least, not while glass fiber composites exist.

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please, if eretron can run a shit load of fiber optics through a deck, i think we can manage one antenna XD

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electroplate a wooden box
stylin top mount achieved.





if you have to run an external antenna, rethink your materials. :rofl:


Make box in a desirable shape, put battery in, put lid on.

Make a mould for a huge silicon sleeve in any colour variation you want and thread it on like a sock to make it waterproof(no not submersible) - > profit, pretty cheap approach and it should work just fine :man_shrugging:


make sure you wear a lab coat, or at least clothes :rofl:


Thats a great idea. Starting off bare bones, maybe the ‘pro’ version can come with usb port(s) and fuel gauge :ok_hand:

That’s cuz you plebs are still using remotes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But for real, the improvement to the stiffness/weight ratio of carbon-on-wood vs a pure wood plank is on the scale of 25%, it’s not huge. Don’t be lured in by the performance aspect of it


Wait… hol up

We’re supposed to wear clothes?


It’s not all about radio. Glass also has physical properties aside from that which seem to be more compatible with electric skate vehicles.

Yeah, i was agreeing with you. I just wanted to dispel the notion that carbon can let you build lighter. It can, but the difference on a typical esk8 is tiny
You would have to do something dumb like build a board around a hollow tube to see any benefit


they have to say that for legal reasons. I never wear clothes while working with toxic, corrosive chemicals because that’s how you ruin your clothes. Hole in skin? heals. Hole in clothes? well… wait for a JCPenny’s sale again i guess.


ironically, only the muriatic acid method says you need clothes.
i used to wash my hands with the stuff when i did boat detailing work, though. im not very bothered by corrosive substances.

i gargle with 99% isopropyl every morning.


Idc if a bottom mount enclosure was 100% indestructible… I would never put one on a true mtb. The amount of rocks and stumps I drive over would full stop any enclosure material. I would be dragging like a mofo. Not to mention how you can no longer go over hills without bellying out. I get that no one wants a top mounted box for the looks… Hence why this topic and others exist.


yeah ground clearance is the primary issue, which is why we need 12" tires.

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make the switch to everclear and thank me later :wink:
guys, just make the entire edge of your board a chainsaw, and never worry about clearance again.