Whooshboards motor mounts, truck, pulleys +++


Reverse mounts being made as well? :heart_eyes:

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Reverse mounts/long version, are not in production yet. You can still mount these short ones reversed if you wish.

Are we just waiting on shipping now? Hate to be impatient.

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They will be shipped to me during this week :slightly_smiling_face:


Any day now? :eyes:

Wondering if maybe you already know what belt lengths are needed for dual idlers and 15:36, 15:40, 15:44? :laughing:

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Just got a message from DHL that they are “out for delivery” :grin: Will come back with belt lengths


So I built this:

It rode just fine. I used a 14T pulley ( I think 15T would fit as well), the only downside I noticed was that the motor picks up dust way more like this. So ideally, you would have the mount have a thin wall between the motor and the wheel to protect it. Replacing belts is annoying, because you have to remove the whole motor. Also you need narrow pulleys; my TB ones turned out to fit exactly right.


What is the reasoning for doing this? Looks interesting!

This could actually work if you somehow made some wheel arches to protect the motors :grinning:


  • can mount trucks drop through
  • can use any motor size => can use narrow trucks
  • motors are better protected because you can do extreme angles upward


  • hard to assemble
  • small motor pulley
  • Limited wheel sizes
  • Wheels shoot road debris onto the motor

A lot of these cons (if not all) could be solved with a custom motor mount designed for this :upside_down_face:


They are here :grinning::+1:


Mounts are now available on the webshop :+1:


How it looks in use, single drive with one idler


Do you know the largest motor pulley that fits? The idler is looking mighty close to the pulley.

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Maybe a better picture. You see that the belt is all the way to one side, if you use a longer belt, you get more clearance. Its placed so that you can run 44T wheel pulley and 18T motor pulley. When you have a large motor pulley, I do not believe a idler is necessary, its an optional part of the kit.


If you want with tkp clamps instead of caliber style, shoot me a pm as I have not updated the website with this option just yet :wink:

I was under the inpreshion that if it’s a RWD Foward facing motors the pulley is better on the top (load side of the belt) because it provides less stress on the belt.

By having on the bottom (slack side) your applying 2x the lateral load the the wheel axle and bearings motor working harder. as well as having a larger amount of the belt under tension

By having in on top you apply more pressure to the Smaller motor pully with i believe has more chance of slipping

The idler is theoretically supposed to be on the slack side. However, the slack side is the top during the highest stress moments – heavy braking.

So I would think the top here might be better?

Not too sure though, because I stopped using idlers completely.

But the “slack side” here is definitely the top during the highest stress moments for the belt system.

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Maybe that’s what I’m what I’m confused with just remember Idolise work best on top just for the wrong reasons.