variESC Tool [SRO]

ah sorry i see
didnt quite understand your last message

happy to test though as i have a 4wd build with them

@b264 which firmware for focboxes?

410 & 411 & 412

Do NOT use 48


cheers whats 4.8 for?

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I just know that it will blow your focbox when doing motor detection.


what should my max duty cycle be? spintend no limits firmware.
currently at 95% (stock) do i want it lower then that and any other settings necessary to change other then the max battery, motor amps

Since you’re already using variESC tool, then defaults should be fine.

If you want you can also set FOC decoupling to off in the advanced motor tab, and also when setting up a PWM remote I prefer 0.3 and 0.1 ramp time instead of the default 0.4 and 0.2. Also, running hall sensor detection separately can give more accurate values, so that’s something I personally do as well :sweat_smile:


What does this effect?


Not sure, but it was discussed earlier in this thread if you search

Motor Settings → General → Advanced → “Duty cycle current limit start” to 85%.

see this thread. for more info

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yep set to 85%

got 4 spintend vescs on canbus and my metr shows up as 4wd however for some reason the vesc tool keeps showing only 3 vescs and keeps giving all sorts of weird errors and things. i assume its a vesc issue rather then the tool. using no limits spintend firmware from their site
waiting for @b264 to fix the developers version to test hsi firmware

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variESC will default to this value, you only need to raise this to 100% if you’re using the Balance App for a Funwheel or something. DO NOT RAISE this to 100% for an electric skateboard.

To be clear, I’m referring to “Duty Cycle Current Limit Start”, not any of the other things that have extremely similar, but not identical, names.


So I’m trying to setup dual TB6s connected via canbus. When I first connect, I get a message about my firmware being out of date. I go to the firmware tab and update the FW and after it is updated it says my FW version is 5.2.

I repeat the procedure on the second TB6, however, when I reconnect to the master esc, I still get a message about my FW being out of date.

FWIW I am running Ubuntu Linux


Hello fellow Ubuntu user :smiley:

I believe all you need to do is upload the bootloader to each ESC, reboot them, then do the firmware updates again.



So on the bootloader tab, just select the entry in the list and use the same upload firmware button?

Yes. I’ve had that issue before on various ESCs from the factory, sometimes they don’t have the bootloader and so each time you update it, they still have the old version.


Did the trick!


what is the reasoning behind this again?

Can do motor detection but not input. Latest tool but on fw 5.01

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You should use the version of the tool that matches your firmware; or you update your firmware from the tool you have.

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