variESC Tool [SRO]

On Mac, attempting to scan for Bluetooth devices crashes the app for me.

hmm. this works for me. osx 10.15.7

Searching the internet for QT OSX bluetooth crashes… finds a few things with no answer. [ QT is the cross platform library vedder used to write this app. ]

Any crash logs somewhere. ( ? )

not sure I know how to debug that one.

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Seems that it didn’t ask macOS for Bluetooth permissions before attempting to connect, but manually adding it to the list of allowed apps in System Preferences fixed the issue. Guess that’s the first thing I should’ve checked

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nice. that’s good to find. :slight_smile:

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I’d love to have a glance at that.

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It exists and has been ported, but lacks enough testing to put in the wild. @luastoned are you able to test it? PM me if so.


If anyone else wants to test it, PM me.

This is the FOC decoupling setting that should be set to disabled, yeah? (The suggestion Gamer made) For some reason when I click on “read default” it goes back to BEMF :thinking:

Yeah I use DISABLED and that’s the variESC default.

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Not sure what makes it a default if it wasn’t set for me, but thanks :+1:

Oh, looks like that didn’t quite make it into the 5.02 release cycle.

Good catch, I’ll build a new version later.

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@b264 any chance you could make the tool for chromebook
pretty please?

also is the new 5.02 spintend firmware on the tool?

edit: what hardware version does spintedn come under. 75/300?

Just get a real laptop my guy.




You should be able to get the Linux version to run with a bit of chrome OS tinkering. Or, if your laptop allows it, just install a normal Linux distribution like Ubuntu and live happily ever after


so tried in the past but it runs linux really badly

didnt see that as an option
do i have to download it from the firmware page?

It’s on the spintend website, just updated to 5.2. Download it and you then select it manually from custom firmware.

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ah nice thanks a lot

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I build the Linux version first and use it myself. I don’t have a Chromebook, but search online for making Ubuntu programs work. There should be some way to make that work.

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