6389 x 8 | quad unity/stormity | 12s/18s tattu | RedEmber 44

Damn, that’s nice af

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So do you have a battery in there or something else?


That’s a pretty hump, can I be one of the boys in you yard?..wait I’m mixing up songs


his batteries are in the center and escs are on either side. Still can’t believe he sacrificed an Evolve deck to make that enclosure


…and the RedEmber 44. :grimacing:


I hope you have minimal backlash at the axle geometry. Kinda dangerous with that power.

@b264 any chance not have the FOC current decoupling disabled could cause over voltage faults?
I’ve had like 5 vesc faults since 2016 and 4 of them have been since using the variESC quad unity’s.

See fault at 13:25:12. When it happens I get timed out and can’t use throttle for a second or two.

I’ve since updated the foc decoupling value to “disabled”.



Another overvoltage.


If one of your motors is lower kv than the others, it could be being driven by the other motors above it’s no load speed, in which case the back emf voltage produced by the motor above no load speed would be greater than the battery voltage.


This would only happen at 100% duty cycle tho, right? If the motors are just slight off in their kv value

What happens if you change the maximum duty cycle to 92% and the Duty Cycle Current Limit Start to 87% on all four ESCs?


That would depend how different the kv’s are Also it could happen under gravity at 0% duty.

tinkercad level 9000
nice man


How do you know that? Ugh, I’ve posted evidence.

At least I know better now.

@b264 I’ve been at 80% max duty cycle for months per a post warning somewhere here.

Nothing wacky to report. That was my last run for a bit.

@DEEIF the board is still running neutered settings. When the time comes, I’ll pm you metr code.

Of the 3, 12s packs I sent, one has black X’s on the bottom of each 6s pack. That one experienced a brief dead short (my bad skatan). IRs seem ok under 1c charge (14A charge, 3.4-2.0 IR ranges. They were all 1.5 2yrs ago. )

Please use that pack for a 600A spike draw, lipo manufacturers said it was cool. 1200A seems dodgy tho. (I also sent a fire extinguisher, butane, and acetone)

You could totally put two of the good packs in parallel, and that 72kw peak power (96 British HP, don’t know freedom horse equivalent) would kick.

/s, but, these thicc bois also exist and want you to make a vid, entitled “one strange secret to building a 100hp skateboard that your dumb doctor doesn’t want you to know about. “


Got to take this awesome board out on a first ride last week, it’s on a whole different level. I’ve got some plans for it that hopefully I can do before @Arzamenable gets back :stuck_out_tongue:

For a first ride I think I did well! Only mod is that I swapped bushings right away to super squishy ones. It will out torque an Onyx Motorbike off the line easily, even on the neutered settings.


Now that COVIDs back, some epic runs on surface streets might be possible again.


I’m hoping for that, I’m gonna swap the bushings again to slightly harder, 41 is definitely tops possible on my crazy loose bushing setup now

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Clear streets and only the idiots are dying this time? Sounds good to me


mph or kmh? I’d guess you measure in freedom units, thats well over not bad :smiley:


Everyone would know your frame of reference is still a humble subject to the crown.

Lol, sorry, I think in miles.

God save the Queen.


It’s 41 km/h in the metr log above so I assume that’s what they’re referring to