[Ghosted] Unknownboards M5 (A youtuber Brand)

Are you using a skayeshred deck?

As Jacob said most of us here do DIY, I think a lot of us have the ability to make the board ourselves and therefore do not count the value of assembly, but it’s a very clean looking board I will give you that. Would you be willing to divulge the BoM for the board though? We are not in the business of building to sell here so it will not harm your business in any way, it’s merely for our curiosity

P.s. Welcome to the forum!


This actually seems like just the thing for me.
I’m looking for a pre-built board to replace my dead Boosted.
I want something equal-to-or-better-than an Evolve or Onsra in every category but I want it to be VESC-based rather than hobbywing or whatever proprietary thing an Evolve uses because even though I don’t want to get into spot-welding right now I will no doubt want to hack on whatever I get at some point in the future.

This board hits most all the points I’m looking for: good range but not a tank, good size, good speed, good acceleration, slightly flexy, VESC, swappable wheels and pulleys.

The issues I would have are:

  • I’m in Canada and these guys are in the UK with obviously no service center in Canada or even the US. It was annoying enough getting my Boosted fixed when I had to send to the US imagine having to send it to the UK and back.
  • I don’t really want to beta-test a brand-new board design - although to be fair the board is made of off-the-shelf components so there shouldn’t be a whole lot to wrong.
  • How long are these guys going to be around. I’m sure they aren’t planning to quit but no one ever does.

So I guess my question for the DIY guys around here:
if you were to recommend a maker of a pre-made VESC-based board a lot like this one for a Canadian, who would it be?

Actually I’m gonna move my question to a new thread instead of derailing this one…

It’s pretty spankin new as far as I know

Average esk8 has been around for a while, but this board is new

Moved my question here:

Whether or not this is true I suggest you stay away from the “we detuned this board because we’re worried about your safety” messaging. It sounded like bullshit when Boosted said it about Dual+ that only went 23 miles an hour, it sounds like bullshit when Evolve says it and sounds like bullshit when you say it.


Lmao true


Do what you feel is right and consider constructive criticism. In all honesty, no esk8 company comes close to evolve in sales. 30 million a year since last confirmed. They’re doing something right. You’ll get no love here though unless you cater to the diy crowd in some way. I pucker thinking about releasing shit on this forum because the moment you do, you got 50 engineers running mathematical equations telling you to fuck off hahaha. Fuck it, trial by fire. Good luck.


Lol the only way to succeed here is run the calculations yourself and learn how to take crap from people, then improve it before releasing officially


I agree, but I’ve seen wrong assumptions from engineers here. There’s theory and there’s practice. If it works in practice then I could care less about your theories (not saying you, just in general).


Hmm yeah I mean it does happen sometimes. I’m not a real book-talk person, I like to see actual results.

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Hi there, from what it sounds like I would suggest the Demon 2.0 from Propulsion Boards. It has a ubox or foc box which are both really good. They are a US based company and their board cost as much as a evolve or onsra but has equal or better specs. 38 mph with the Street wheels and 32 mph with the All Terrain wheels and 30 miles with the Street option and 18 miles with the All Terrain option. They use bigger motors and from what I hear its really powerful


They are also have a Youtube channel DIY esk8 Builders

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For some reason I’m always sketched out by new accs plugging vendors on their first post.

Maybe I’m just paranoid since the Ecomobl thread.

Scary internet.


Yeah lol I couldn’t come up with a good username

Yeah but i totally get it I am new to the forum but I was on the last one and I do a lot of research will all the boards and accessories and I hate went I know there are products out there that I have heard are really good and I look at the specs and stuff so I don’t just give random suggestions. Trying to help people out

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*out there that people over spec and hype up.

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I was just about to make this comment and wanted to see if anyone else said it. I was going to say with 175mm wheels expect half the range they claim. 15km maybe you can push it to 20 but don’t count on it. It’s BS how they make these claims and fool innocent people just getting into esk8. Not to mention 52km on 120mm cloud?! More like 30-40km


I feel like they can claim that if it can happen in laboratory conditions, but as soon as they say or imply the phrase “real world riding” that’s when I feel like they’re full of shit.

No normal guy going out for a ride is gonna get that.

YMMV, this is only my opinion


I’m 160lbs and I ride at 20km/hr max 30. It doesn’t get much better than that for mileage :joy::joy: