"Trail Blazer" My Trampa / MBS Hybrid ATB

Board is essentially unusable because I’ve still been having this intermittent issue. Sometimes it will work fine and others it will cut out every time I throttle up. Going to massively reduce current values on the vesc and hope but could be the battery too because sometimes turning it off and on again 50 times will momentarily fix it until it breaks again.

If reducing the current values doesn’t work I’m swapping to a known working focbox from my other board. Going to do that in a week or two anyways once my other motor & drive train arrives but the new 12s8p will take a bit longer to get here so if it’s the battery I’m fucked.

If anyone has experienced something like this I’m all ears. Tried many things and none of them worked.

So the focbox is in now and it’s working fine, albeit at a lower power setting since I don’t want to blow up another one right before I get another drive train set up for 2WD BABY!

You heard me right, I’m salvaging both focboxes from my street board and adding another Overion chain drive and also changing from 190kv to 150kv motors as well as going from a 10:42 to 9:42 gear ratio with future potential for lowering the wheel sprocket tooth count which I want to give a shot because I bottom out and hit it sometimes which fucks up my chain.

Motors match the wheels perfectly.


That it is going to be a fast board!!!..I have almost the same set up…I set the throttle map exponential 20% positive to get more aggressive response when accelerating…and 0.1s for positive and negative ramping… really like them…also waiting for @ebosted to send my 12s8p…

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Small update, I got some 3d printed inserts for the holypro holes so that when I get my bottom mount battery together I won’t have big gaps for water and dirt to enter from. Just need to epoxy them in.


Let me know when you need a printed prosthetic leg :+1:


Probably after I bash this one into the ground a few more times lol.


We will get @Sender skin it :grin:


For real. Probably better than anything the hospital can make, although they did do a sweet carbon fiber wrap for me once.


I say this only because it’s funny. If I had a prosthetic leg I’d have some funny AF ones. A pirate leg, on the looked like an eggplant, a tactical Kevlar one with Velcro bags, a Lego one, all that shit :grinning:


For real, I’d have a Terminator one, powered by a VESC and 12s setup with force feedback. All DIYed of course.


I can totally see you wearing the pirate leg one

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fuck yeah I would! :slight_smile:

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You ever see that Pirates of the Caribbean movie where Barbosa has a flask built into his peg leg? That’ll be me someday.


We all have dreams bro!

My wife used to live in key West, her neighbor was ex British army. He lost the leg in desert storm. He used to freak people out by putting ketchup packets under his pants leg and then stabbing it with a fork. I would do that shit everyday. :grinning:


test drive time

Now we at dual 149kv 9/42 ratio 12s


This is fantastic. The back feels more planted and there’s more power than I could want, guesstimating on how conservative I had the power levels set.

Dog didn’t want to leave the room


I had to waterproof the board for my first real rain ride. Made sure all the openings to the enclosure were sealed and I wrapped the battery in dog poop bags lol. No water got in and I rode through a pretty gnarly storm.

Thanks @topcloud for the less dangerous bindings. Bailing is easy with these if I have to but easy to slip out of. I’ll get used to it they’re really nice.



How do you like those motors? Thinking of getting a 2 myself, you running sensored?