Torqueboards TB110 Really Big wheels [Serious]

How many miles have you put on them?


250km/155mi I guess. Its a fact that Switzerland has a lot of almost perfect roads.


I absolutely love mine to bits. The 30mm curb transition that saw me do a front flip is no drama anymore. You should have seen my underpants after testing that theory.
Iā€™ve probably got nearly 100kā€™s on them so far and not worn in quite yet. Grip is phenomenal and coupled with the 44 pulleys its bled a bit of top end off which is also good for my undies.
I do miss being able to kick the back out on hard corners though. Took me ages to learn how to do that without landing on my arse and now i canā€™t do it anymore, the thing just flies round at silly gees. All in all the best wheel I have used so far. They look so good too. Like the board has being hitting the roids and lifting hard. One thing though they are not 110mm. Mine measure 109.7mm This is an aforementioned liberty from @torqueboards which is yet to be addressed. I will accept store credit :sunglasses:


OMG why didnā€™t someone tell me sooner? This is a disaster!

So youā€™re saying they come with more torque than advertised? :open_mouth:


The extra torque caused by this 0.3mm is very dangerous. I nearly fell off.


Look what I found up in the first post :stuck_out_tongue:


@torqueboards you guys will be talking to my lawyers about this one, better pack up and run while u can

I feel lied to


Yet, in the meantime, I am slowly taking ABEC11 wheels off my boards to put TB110 on themā€¦because I like them much better

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I cant wait to ride them, there gonna be a huge step up from 90mm Popacas and 97mm clones

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Theres the proof I needed. Dexter send me another set of correct ones please and I will throw these ones in the bin. :laughing:

@yelnats8j no comparison to clones at all. The most noticeable element is the planted feel they give you. Feels like the board is grabbing the road without any rolling resistance. They roll forever. While I was waiting for pulleys I rode them analogue for a bit and they rolled from a hill about 2kā€™s which was fine until I had to kick push my unfit arse back up the bastard.


Lol 110mmā€¦hugeā€¦

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Itā€™s an understatement how good these wheels are. I only got to ride them once before my deck cracked but holy cow did they feel good. The grip is insane for urethane, they do suffer on cobblestone and other similarly bumpy conditions but nothing like any other urethane Iā€™ve tried. Not that Iā€™ve tried many, but these are my wheels from now on.


How would these compare to my 125mm trampa gummies?

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I donā€™t actually know of anyone who rolls both. Just on physicality the thane is thicker on the 110ā€™s so maybe theyā€™d be softer on feels but the extra diameter of the gummies may counter that. Buy some and do a comparison. You know you should


Yeahā€¦noā€¦thatā€™ll wait till I have my build back to its glory again. Still gotta get an esc before I start fiddling with additional money traps

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Iā€™ve ridden gummies but it was ages ago in the uk on really shit roads so canā€™t really remember enough to compare.

I ride them back to back with Boa 100 mm wheels. Whilst the Boas are softer and more comfortable they tend to get much more bouncy and loose traction on medium rough surfaces.
I love the 110Ā“s with the triple amount of distance on that wheels they show less wear then the Boas and the grip is just outstanding.

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The Boa formula and the TB110 formula couldnā€™t be more different, in my opinion. They feel totally different, in a way I canā€™t describe very well. Anyone else tried both and can articulate it? @longhairedboy I think youā€™ve had both, no?

With all that said, every board coming off my bench has TB110 on it and some Iā€™m even actively switching from ABEC11 Superfly to TB110. The Boa and ABEC11 and clones are all in a box for now.

The biggest weakness of TB110 is they are slick in wet conditionsā€¦ all 'thane is, but these especially so. As long as youā€™re mindful of that, all is good :sunglasses:

In regular dry conditions, TB110 kick my ass. And letā€™s be real ā€“ I try to minimize the riding I do when itā€™s wet anyway, because itā€™s wetā€¦

Thatā€™s interesting. Iā€™m guessing the wider contact patch makes for easier hydroplaning. How heavy is your board? Mine is pretty heavy especially after adding carbon fiber.

Could be that. For me, itā€™s only been an issue when Iā€™ve gone over wet tile (which is admittedly dumb) and even then, it breaks loose gradually enough to correct.

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