Torqueboards TB110 Really Big wheels [Serious]

i dyed my 74a red for too long, and they ended up coca-cola :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

info and pics


Not translucent, but there is an example of what orange would look like


That looks pretty sick, especially if it was translucent with a white core :open_mouth:


Orange creamsicle


So I’m looking to pick up the 74a blue wheels for my dual motor BKB kit but trying to make sense of the gearing ratio and esk8 calculator.

I have 190KV motors, 16T motor pulleys, and am leaning towards 44T wheel pulleys since I’m not as much of a speed hound and someone above recommended gearing just enough for the top speed I’ll actually ride at. Calculator is telling me I’ll get around 28-ish top speed under load with 44T which is fine with me (though I left efficiency at 90% since I wasn’t sure what’s supposed to go in that field).

The belts that come with the kit are 12mm, but only has 15mm 40T and 44T kegel pulleys, but I’m hoping that won’t be an issue. My trucks are over 218mm which I was told are big enough to accommodate those pulleys.

Is there something I’m not considering here?

Signed - a thankful n00b.

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Make sure the belts are HTD5M and not 3M. You don’t want 3M belts.

You’re spot on on everything else. 90% efficiency is good for those wheels.

16/44 at 190Kv is a great ratio for those wheels.


Thanks for confirming!

I double checked and realized my motor pulleys are actually 15T, but I stuck with the 44T configuration as going over 22 mph or so on the short Tayto deck is still plenty of thrill for me lol.

Just placed my order - so pumped for these wheels!


Here’s some wear after ~300 miles on TBDD’s… Looking good!


My 78A set also looks great after shitloads of miles.


Also it’s kinda a guestimate for me… I only got a metr module a couple months after getting my TB set. Definitely glad to be logging now. Especially with the auto record feature that was just added.

Nnija edit: Sorry I am a bit tipsy, you were just concurring with me haha


I found that my standard wheel bearings and 10mm spacers leave a small gap (.5 to 1 mm) when I install them in my 110s. Some of my bearings with built-in spacers come together perfectly inside the core, but the outer diameter fits too loosely (Loaded Jehu).

Has anyone been using a set of bearings and spacers that fit perfectly, right out of the box?

Where can I source longer spacers so that I can use Bones or other standard bearings without leaving any gaps?

All the bearings and spacers I have tried worked out of the box.

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I think standard wheel bearing spacer should be 10.16mm. If they are 10mm it will cause a gap

I finally did it !!

After 650km of use and abuse, I chunked the beast brother !

I am not mad at all, I really take them to the worst places, where gravels can be as sharp as razor. If I would only stick to tarmac/asphalt, the results would have been different.

No issue whatsoever on the real 78A beast, no chunk has been found.


You make it sound as if you’ve won the raffle to a lifetime supply of TB110s. :laughing:


So, one set of TB110 78A black?


But heard that @torqueboards might release 72A ? How long would they last on less than ideal roads ? I could be the one trying out :slight_smile:


The 72A wheels to me feel much better if it’s raining. They seem to get more traction if it’s wet or has pebbles and stuff. They are really soft though, probably a tiny range decrease but nothing like the hit taken for pneumatics. Very kind to the feet.


Saw someone post that these might be the last run of these wheels. Saw it on the internet so it must be true.

Everything on the internet is always true.