TorqueBoards Direct Drive Motor Kit

Can anyone measure the total width of TBDD+TB110 for me plz :innocent:


@tipsy Current I believe is about 360mm.


That’s about what I got, maybe just a couple millimetres less.

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drop-thru mounting these is a no-no?

@tipsy Yeah no space cans too big.

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Only if you have a super thin deck or make some cutouts. Damon did it:

Some people have done it with hummies, but one guy had his deck break from the modification :frowning:


I ran the TB direct drives, drop through on a Magneto bamboo cruiser. It has a bottlenose shape on both ends and I sanded a tiny bit to enhance the clearance for the drives. I am pretty sure Damon also cuts out a little extra space for the DD in his setup.

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Has anyone swapped the bullet connectors on their drives? No enamel coating on the wires, or any other nasty surprises? Just switching to 4mm bullets because that seems to be the standard nowadays.


I swapped mine, had no issue with them.

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No heat issues either? I see people online saying that 4mm connectors should be good for up to 70A, but people run these drives at 80A. I guess that’s close enough, right?

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I put 5mm on my dd’s cause I was out of 4mm but never had issues with either. If anything you’ll only hit 80a for no more than a couple of seconds.

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Don’t they come with 5mm? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Or does that mean the ones I bought already had connectors swapped :thinking:

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I think they’re 5.5mm, I bought 5mm for regular TB motors and realized my mistake :joy:

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i changed all my connectors to 4mm, 0 issues so far, but i never pulled more than 40A, so ymmv.

small question, shouldn’t the “80A” motor amps distributed through 3 phase wires?

The phase current is divided between the phase wires, but the current always has a return path as well. This means that during FOC control, one or two phase wires have positive current, and one or two have negative current direction. Each of the phase wires do cross zero current during commutation, but only very momentarily. So you cannot calculate that at 80 motor A, you are only doing 80/3 A per each phase wire, unfortunately.

Edit: however, VESC uses motor current limit as a peak value, so RMS current during FOC is lower. That, and the fact that we have 3 wires instead of 2 allows us to derate the connectors a little bit. MT60(A) connector works fine with 80 motor A, for example.


thanks for the info, i have 0 knowledge in this realm :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m about to change my unity to 5.5 to mate the DD kit. But I’m more worried about the phase wires.

But then Lacroix uses stock Unity wiring for their lonestar pulling 110a.

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I would not worry about the Unity phase wires that much. 80 A peak = 80/sqrt(2) RMS = 56.6A RMS. Then that gets divided to three phase wires instead of two, so you would be seeing less than 50A RMS, more like 40A RMS per wire when running the motor at 80A. And I doubt that you are pulling that all the time :slight_smile:

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I ended up using the adaptors on the tb website. Heatshrinked together and then electric tape so they can’t rattle loose. Bonus to that is extra length if you need it.

@torqueboards Not sure if you are on here more than checking email lol.

Got the wrong baseplate for the my DD setup.