Rules & Policies
In an effort to simplify the rules policies of, We have consolidated them and listed them in their entirety here. These rules and policies are linked from the FAQ/Guidelines page as well.
The violation of policies may result in the user being silenced for 24 hours for the 1st instance, 7 days for the 2nd instance, any following instances will end in a permanent silencing action. For instances where a user accidentally violates a policy and the intent was non-malicious a mod may decide to forego the violation consequences. This action will be at the sole determination of the mod(s).
SELLERS POLICY (individual sellers and vendors)
- You must post a price (specifically in the thread, no links please)
- You must post a picture or pictures (specifically in the thread, no links please)
- You must post a location (preferably in the title)
- Dibs are entirely at the seller’s discretion. The seller must state that they are allowed, otherwise dibs will not be in effect.
If these rules are not followed the thread will be closed until the OP corrects the omission. If after 24 hours the thread issue is not resolved, the thread will be deleted.
To be clear on this topic…
If you are selling anything at all on it is required that you post a price, pictures & location. When I say pictures, I don’t mean links to pictures, I mean actual images. When I say location, I mean the country of origin. An example…US, EU, AU. This is a non-negotiable requirement. If you don’t post a price, pics and location, then the thread WILL be closed.
If a seller wishes to allow dibs, it must be stated that dibs are allowed in the initial sales post. Dibs are not enforceable by admin, and admin will not get involved in any sales transaction as a result of any dispute arising from dibs or for any other reason. Admin will not arbitrate sales disputes. The time allowed by a seller for dibs to be fulfilled with an arrangement of payment is entirely up to the seller. Seller may honor or not honor any dibs at their discretion, and mishandling or renegotiating dibs may effect a seller’s reputation in the eyes of the community. Use caution with dibs.
If there are multiple complaints against a seller regarding quality, safety or accuracy of a product then we, as mods, will contact the seller for clarification. If the seller responds that it’s “none of your business” or doesn’t respond at all, the seller will be silenced until the issue is resolved.
The objective here is not to make it more difficult to sell, it is to protect buyers from false claims, irresponsible construction, etc.
Suggestions for successful sales threads.
- Don’t be brand new, put in the time
- When someone low-balls you, be cool or ignore
- Don’t be a dick, your gear ain’t that special
VENDOR POLICY (vendor accounts only)
We allow established vendors to have an additional account with which they may interact with the community. This allows a vendor to have a non-personal account that can be shared with staff, and allows anyone on that team to interact with the community to answer questions, deal with customer support issues, and showcase their wares. Vendor accounts are subject to all of the same rules as personal accounts, and will be treated as such by the community. It is in the best interest of the vendor holding the vendor account to be on their best behavior as this will directly affect the public opinion regarding the vendor and therefore the vendor’s business. A vendor may also have a personal account of their own that is not shared with other staff.
- Posts and/or threads which are off-topics will be flagged moved and/or permanently deleted.
- Mods reserve the right to delete obviously inflammatory posts/threads/material.
- Personal attacks or otherwise malignant posts and conversations will be deleted and the user warned and may be subject to the VIOLATIONS OF POLICY consequences. This action will be at the sole determination of the mod(s).
- Vendor complaint threads that devolve into insults and/post private details will be deleted and VIOLATIONS OF POLICY consequences may be applied. This includes the posting of email or chat conversation, PM screen shots, receipts, personal information, and/or malignancy.
- All flagged “ninja edit” posts will be deleted regardless of how funny they are. “Ninja Editing” is when a member quotes another member from a previous post, but alters the content.
- SERIOUS threads - Anyone can start a SERIOUS thread that wants the most information shared in the quickest fashion. By using that tag when you start a topic, you are in effect offering to police your own thread and weed out extraneous content or people who make too many jokes and derails. This does NOT mean that all flags will be accepted or that only the Op can flag posts. Any user is allowed to flag a post that diverges from the rules and policies as stated.
- Slug-fests in public threads - Once people fighting in a thread are pulled into a “please work it out privately” PM, anyone leaving that PM and going back to the scene may be subject to the VIOLATIONS OF POLICY consequences. This action will be at the sole determination of the mod(s).
- Mod action consistency - We’re going to make a mighty effort to be on the same page with how we handle things. If you see instances that fall outside this stated goal or something that seems like a misuse of mod powers, please contact an admin by PM.
- Derail Jail - Derail Jail is the playgrounds of the forum. If your post has been moved here then it was either off-topic or counterproductive to the thread intent.
- Do not post PM’s - Private messages and/or screenshots of PM’s are NOT to be used on the forum or posted elsewhere on the internet and may be subject to the VIOLATIONS OF POLICY consequences.
- Don’t be Sneaky - On a forum with thousands of intelligent people there will no doubt be instances where someone finds a clever workaround to avoid some policy or another. In these cases, a warning to stop will be issued first, any additional violation may be subject to the VIOLATIONS OF POLICY consequences.
- Civil Discourse and Inclusion - To create an environment of tolerance and inclusion, we ask members to continue to honor the following rules and conditions.
a. No file-sharing or torrent links to pirated software
b. No posts targeting another user’s race or geography
c. No political posts
e. No serious threats of violence or calls for such
f. No sexist, homophobic, or transphobic comments
g. No threats of legal action. All potential legal matters should be handled in appropriate channels. This forum is not an appropriate channel for it.
Misconduct Categories
Mods and admins are required to use their forum permissions responsibly. There are many potential forms of misconduct. Below we summarize the categories of misconduct. None of the below forms of misconduct are allowed on the forum. Admins and Moderators that take part in these actions are subject to review, suspension, or dismissal. Cases will be reviewed by administrative staff and the
moderator pool by default, and with forum members if necessary.
Administrative Action Misconduct: Systematically disallowing of content that forum members would want to see. This would require access to the administrative settings in the forum, so only applies to Admins.
Moderator Action Misconduct (Content): Deleting or intentionally miscategorizing content by a specific member, with the intention of putting that member at a disadvantage.
Moderator Action Misconduct (Members): Banning or silencing a user for an unfair reason, and without approval from others in the mod pool. Targeting that user and using mod privileges to put them at a disadvantage.
Public Forum Content Misconduct: Using moderator or administrative status to intimidate or shut down members that are not breaking any of the stated forum rules in a public thread. Using moderator status to protect oneself while breaking forum rules in a public thread.
Note: Administrators and Moderators are also forum members, and thusly are allowed to be vocal and forthcoming with their opinions. They are expected to be as respectful as other members.
PM Content Misconduct: Using moderator or administrative status to intimidate or shut down members that are not breaking any of the stated forum rules in a private thread or private message. Using moderator status to protect oneself while breaking forum rules in a private thread.
Note: Administrators and Moderators are also forum members, and thusly are allowed to be vocal and forthcoming with their opinions. They are expected to be as respectful as other members.
Mod/Admin Abuse
Anyone abusing, swearing at, obviously wasting the time of, or calling out a mod in public and/or sending multiple messages just to be insulting will be silenced for 24 hours for the 1st instance & 7 days the 2nd. Any following actions will end in a permanent silencing and/or suspension. This is also true if those lines are crossed in a PM. Respect will be given to all but we expect the same in return.
This is also applies if those lines are crossed in a PM or the abuse extends outside the forum in any way including but not limited to text messages, instant messages, emails, or other forms of communication outside of the forum.
Titles are the cool string of text next to some users’ names. There will be a time when you finally decide you know what you want it to say next to your name at the top of every post you make. When you figure it out, PM @longhairedboy and he’ll change it for you. There was a time when people were assigned random and often terrible titles based on their comments. Those days were stupid and are long over. You define you here as well as everywhere else.
It is your responsibility to check this Agreement periodically for changes.