The battery builders club

I mean yeah the price is okay, but that 12A discharge rating though… Not great power there, nor awesome capacity at 4Ah.

Sure they’re cheap, but you’re definitely getting what you’re paying for.

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Nearly every boosted you still see on the road today is liion. The 2P extended range batteries were liion as well as the rev’s. I want to say use LG HG2 cell, but I can’t remember at this point. They were brown/black tho iirc. There’s a guy that runs a repair group for them to keep people on the road.


New project !


20s8p M50A? You powering a tank?


@Battery_Mooch review of molicell m35a soon!?

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20s8p M35a. Upgrading my ebike from 52v to 72v.

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No. But there’s a good reason for that…


I completely forgot that I already read this :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:


And I just realized I forgot to put isolation rings on all those cells :man_facepalming:t2:



None of us even noticed that :joy::rofl::rofl:

Just got 160 of them to do :man_shrugging::joy: good luck brother


Right ?! C’mon guys :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I’ll be honest, I didn’t know what this was referring to.

I was mentioning boosted batteries before it was changed to what it is today. Maybe I missed something.

Edited: just noticed it’s the XR. Yep, I missed something here.

I have this (bottom) and I ordered more wire from aliexpress (top) digital ants store

Is there a way for me to tell if they are the same quality? I am going to use it for my series connections so it’s important that it’s good quality like the legit one from bntechgo? They look and feel the same.

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Its hard to tell just from looks, but I would say that the stuff on the top of that pic is lower quality than the stuff on the bottom. It seems to have a “memory” and is kinking more, which either means worse quality silicone or thicker copper strands. Either one is not great.


I just unwrapped it from the rubber band so that’s why it was kinked

Ive never had silicone wire that would take a memory like that, but again, its hard to judge from the picture.


Check the ends very carefully with a magnifier and make sure there is the same amount of copper in both (if the same wire gauge).

Using a hot part of your soldering iron…but not the tip!…briefly touch each wire’s insulation and see if either instantly melts. If no then it could be silicone. If it does quickly melt then it’s some fake silicone (PVC perhaps) insulation with a lower temperature rating. That’s not terrible for general purpose use but it’s not what you paid for and silicone is always a great choice for keeping wires from shorting if they get very hot.

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I couldn’t really tell looking at it so I stripped them a little. Red is real (bntechgo) black is aliexpress.

They look and feel the same if that’s helpful?

I took the stripped insulation and touch it for a sec with my 60w solder gun then again for a few sec. It doesn’t do anything but make the insulation hot to the touch. I can’t tell on either where I touched it with the gun - no mark or sign of change.

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Looks legit to me. I’ve had some silicone wire hold shape, usually cause it’s sat in the package for so long.

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Sounds like they might both have silicone insulation and both be the same gauge. :slightly_smiling_face: