The battery builders club

I plan to stock and sell 30mm wide pure nickel strip.

Are there any other sizes of nickel that folks want US stock and fast shipping of?


12, 25, 30, 50.

I know i’m not US, but that’s what I’d want :rofl:


50 would be really nice, in fact i would probably stop buying nickel altogether from other sources and just buy from you if you had 50mm in .15 and .2 @BenjaminF


I don’t know if his shop is up yet, but @A13XR3 plans on selling battery pack supplies


So 30 and 50 are a yes. I personally dont see the point in 25 if Im also doing 30. What can I do with 25 that I cant do with 30?

Also, do folks prefer 10 or 12?

Everything I get would probably be 0.2, as we need that extra thiccness for esk8 use.


+1 on 0.2mm.
Would shipping to Europe be a viable affair?..

It’s close. Never set up a website before so it’s an interesting learning process. My nickel shipment is a week out I believe.

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We actually do not lol. Even 1.5 in most cases is overkill but I hear you.

I was just about to buy some 30Q’s on Bulk Battery and saw they jumped up $1.05 a cell to $4.45 :sob: :sob: :sob:

My new battery plans just went out the window… guess I’m switching to p42a

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I looked that earlier today too, and I was like, am I trippin? I thought these were cheaper a few weeks ago

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I appears as tho there was a price hike all around, 30Q and 35E jumped majorly. Here’s the difference from my data:

30Q up $1.05 per cell, $3.40 to $4.45
40T up $.05 per cell, $4.80 to $4.85
30T up $.35 per cell, $4.10 to $4.45
35E up $.95 per cell, $3.60 to $4.55
50E up $.20 per cell, $4.60 to $4.80
P42A up $.15 per cell, $4.80 to $4.95
P26A up $.10 per cell, $3.75 to $3.85

It appears not all the price changes stuck. Not sure what happened there. Hopefully no one stocked up on 30Q’s… Updated pricing as of 1/19/2021:

30Q up $.55 per cell, $3.40 to $3.95
40T up $.05 per cell, $4.80 to $4.85
30T up $.35 per cell, $4.10 to $4.45
35E up $.50 per cell, $3.60 to $4.10
50E down $.20 per cell, $4.60 to $4.45
P42A down $.10 per cell, $4.80 to $4.70
P26A remains at, $3.75


I’m so mad I didn’t buy 1000 Tesla cells when they were $2.25​:sob::sob:


This won’t work out at all.


Yeah, it’s a pretty nutty price hike. I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t just use 40T/P42A in that case.

Also interesting now there is a $.10 price difference between P42A and 40T, so now that you’re paying slightly more for the spec bump, some people may take a second to consider the 40T a little more.


i am doing 6p with 30t cells
for the parallel conenction its 3 at the bottom and 3 staggered on top

if i use 2 lon pieces of nickel to connect the bottom cells together and another piece to connect the top pieces and then 3 shorter pieces to connect the bottom to the top would that be enough?
its 0.15 x 15 nickel

Smallest battery to date, the cutest bombs ever :yum: 7s1p 35E


Are your 2’s upside down? Lol, nice pack tho


Lol leave me alone I can’t write :joy:

It’s not that pretty on the inside but it’s passible


Damn, how many of those did you have to build? @poastoast bamboozled me into making him six 6s1p P42A packs and wiring them all up with JST connectors for his LiPo charger lol. NEVER doing that again :joy:

No fish paper between the p-groups? What application are these for? Not for esk8 I am guessing haha.


Just the 2, there is an air gap of about 3 mm between them, it’s just to test if a BMS works (Revel kit I think) so it’s just scrap cells I have lying around

If the BMS still works I’ll do it proper with some brand new 30Q cells and the rest of the works

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