"Stella" Bro Deck/ 10s3p / Unity / Matrix II / Psychotiller Powerplants / Evolve Mounts [All Comments Welcome]

I’d probably cut the nose flush with the baseplate, unless the shadow looks like the top of Batman’s cowl than I’d keep it as it is.


Agreed, I’m going to even it out where the light still hits so it doesn’t look like a bull.


Everything that makes you feel like you are Batman is good.

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Whats your range @Venom121212 ?

Ask your mom.


Yo momma so fat she gets 2 miles on a 12s6p


Tell your mom to stop adding me on LinkedIn, I already know what she’s good at.


Yo momma so stupid they made her an esk8 news mod

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20 miles while constantly full throttling on a relatively flat bike path.

Gotten 35 miles while cruising around the city at boosted speed and still had a bit of juice left.


Thanks was looking for 20 miles min when pounding

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@BillGordon he’s gotta be talking about you :slight_smile:


10s draws those amps too much :confused:


21700 cells and HV ESCs :slight_smile:


I’m talking about my problems not your successes. Thanks


Sadly, no proof to the contrary.

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Whoa wtf is this thread even?

Ghost town in here…


I’ve been riding the shit out of this board still. It’s my go to for heavy, dirty off road mucking around and skate park smashes. This thing is a tank. I haven’t had to open it up or fix anything since buttoning it up.

Sadly and gladly it has taken quite a beating through all my adventures.

After riding my new board around with the dw2 pro 97 deck, this deck feels too narrow for my feets.

Having a newly finished board left me with a really small esk8 Christmas list this year thankfully so I filled it up with a new @Haeroboards deck! :tada::call_me_hand::skateboard:


Oh hey there, speaking of…

swip swap

Used epoxied m5 inserts again and just transferred the marks from my old enclosure. Went just as perfectly as a last time.

The Markone deck must have had a good bit more concave to it. My enclosure sat on thick ass rubber washers and still dug in to the deck a lot.

The enclosure clearance with the same washers on the bro is much better looking.

Buttoned up just waiting on Amazon to deliver my binding bolts. Bro deck uses inserts and not through holes.

Amazon showed up about an hour after a huge storm so I just practiced in the garage.

This deck is really damn comfortable. It’s like how I imagine riding the nimbus cloud would feel. The flex is just right for me and it just felt right standing on it. I can’t wait to get a proper ride in and introduce it to the D.I.R.T. games!


How do you like those 6369s?
How’s the whole setup to jump - must be 25-30lbs? Looks like you got some crazy air.

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I love them. Never had a single issue with them and they run nice and cool at 100A.

The board before a deck swap was 30.6 lbs. I’ll have to reweigh it now though. 10s5p isn’t an ideal jump pack but I still use this one as a backup board for guests and trekking through nasty woods so oh well. I’ve always wanted to have a lipo pack to quickly throw in there to really lighten it up. The wheel pulleys are metal as well. Could go POM and shave a bit more as well.

I want to take it for a proper ride but it’s been a flash flood warning since I got it put together.


This is a good reminder for myself to build a mountainboard asap! Great work!

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