*SCAM ALERT* neoBOX open source Focbox variant (HW 4 and HW6 Design)

Difference between software and hardware.


If there was mystically brand new FW for these, beta testers would expect to be sent the update as it’s not a consumable and effectively free.


First time you see a speed bump on your board.


Haha, I have heard. I don’t usually bend axles unless I run into something. Even with 40 lbs boards. (Battery is more than half the wt)

The pack is Finally charged. Maybe I can sneak the seek thermal cam in now that the spacer is done.

I Might roll with the top covers off, but the escs will screwed down to external facing sink.


I share my ID to @BillGordon already twice.

since this is the thread where this belongs, surely this comment won’t be instantly flagged and deleted

Hey Mike, have you ended up folding / layering the thermal pad for the neoboxes fets?

Maybe do one with the fold and one without if you havnt gotten around to it yet? I’m very curious about the temperature differences that can occur with a thermal pad that actually makes contact… You know… Like it’s supposed to.


Well that wouldn’t be happening if you had a revisioned design. :slight_smile:

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Jeff swears it’s normal for a thermal pad to have zero marks from the surface it’s supposed to be stuck to(not the case for ANY thermal pad solution I’ve EVER seen, esk8 or otherwise, especially when the PCB is supposed to be pushed against the case via standoffs), so I doubt it would change even if a revision were to be released.

But whatever :sleeping:


You got beat up a bit about the testing. Yesterday’s news tomorrow.


I have for sure on one side. I think I did both. I’ll try to give it a shot. It might have adhered to itself and might not easily separate.


Maybe you read my change for production and I say we make thermal pad thicker.


Good, I’m glad you changed your mind.


You get new tracking number when DHL give to me.

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Hey Jeff, are you still looking to ship the first batch next week?


A post was merged into an existing topic: Vendor ID Discussion

Okay, all. I have spilt this out into a “Vendor ID Discussion” thread:

Let’s keep this thread about neoBox 4 and 6 from now on if possible.


@jeffwuneo maybe it’s possible to make the case higher instead using a thicker thermal pad? The more slim thermal pads the better for heat transfer.


Why not just paint the fets with a whiteboard marker, push the casing on, take it back off and see if there are any white spots on the thermal pads where they didn’t make contact. Just a thought…


I think thick thermal pads is to ensure proper contact. Case height wouldn’t really influence this

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Good idea, but Im not taking my units apart again unless I absolutely need to.

I can take a guess from how the thermal pad was ‘blown through’ (too much pressure) in some spaces by the larger components, as well as the indentation left by other components, and the absolute lack of anything near the fets that they werent making enough contact. As well as my prior experience with other vescs with a heatsink and thermal pads :man_shrugging:

I could be wrong but I seriously doubt I am.

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I don’t know how this neobox is oriented in the case, but making the bottom or top thicker/higher, or the other lower, that would push the thermal pads onto the fets because there would be less room. I guess that’s what he meant.