Safety gear recommendations?

I am not sure about the pad placement on those…

where is it lacking in your opinion?

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On the actual butt. And tail bone.


ahh got ya! good eye! I was more weary of the hips to be honest, ya’ll falling on the butt often while skating?

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only in front of young beautiful women


This last fall I have was weird. And I went down hard on my ass … I ride goofy and my front right wheel broke off. And the board disappeared from under me. So I went down on my left butt cheek and then right shoulder and right side of my head…

Esk8s will find different and exciting new ways to fuck you up vs. regular skateboards…


appreciate the insight as i only have familiarity on analogs! just trying to get some more safety gear before my board parts arrive. So far i ordered the TSG pass and really just trying to figure the rest out


I’m 6 foot about 175 - think I should go Medium? My long arms are usually the reason i need to go Large :frowning:

I’m only 20lbs more than you and usually the large is on the big side.
My arms aren’t short and it fits on the long side. ( Cuff Sits below my wrist, hand side)

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Most common injury on the legs I see are knees and hips


This is not a recommendation, and might be off topic, and I might be revivng a dead thread…
But I just want to show off my latest purchase somewhere :slight_smile:

I am proud as it is my first (real) safety gear purchase.

Got this specifically because I always wear a hoodie when riding. I rarely even wear my elbow pads, because they are difficult to put on. My trusty knee pads are always with me though.<
I know there are cheaper options with similar fit and finish, but this is a Swedish company and I am Swedish, so I want to support the local scene.


Ok, i need some recomandation for an good inexpensive armor (back/shoulder/elbow) and something and suoer stealth knee pads.

I totaly love my armored hoodie and my kevlar jeans, but well it’s 42°C arround here and i feel like i’m a lot more eager to fall because of the hot weather than anything else.

Also my esk8 is my ride to and from work, so i need something that is or super fast to take on/off or super stealth and wont bother me too much to seat with… (This is more about the knees part, i’m not really valutating working in an office with a full body armor)

Have you looked into the armored performance hoodie by LR? Reviewers say it feel like wearing a t-shirt, very light fabric. Have not tried it myself though

What did you end up going with? Wanting pads to easily remove after my commute as well.

Nothing really satisfactory. But i have a nice pair of kevlar jeans where i can remove the pads from the knees when i arrive at the office
I use a hoody also but it’s big and heavy

i recommend leather, this guy has some for sale even


Thanks bud. :facepunch:t3::boom::dash:

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Are there any issues I might run into if I size up in wrist guard size in order to fit a glove underneath? Just got my wrist guards and they’re a perfect fit on my bare hand, but no glove will fit under them, so I was gonna exchange them for a size up.


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