R.E.D. Initiative 2021 - Ride.Every.Day

had an esk8 over to Gunny’s house,… one of the most solid human beings on the planet…

he and my uncle Rob were at Than Su Nuet airbase when the 'Cong over-ran it during Tet, making chemical bombs in the base mess… "gawd Bless “merika”


Can’t wait to get back on the board TBH. I’ve got some battery and connector building to do though.

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Ran into a guy older than me on an Evolve Bamboo GTX AT 3rd gen. Noob sk8tr, He was amazed at my DIY and Shredlights. I gave him the website of the esk8 Forum…


I haven’t ridden yet today. why am I here?


i’ve been 3 times today… going out for another jaunt at 6…
hey Fess, did you ever stitch together your meter logs from the Moon Park ride?

line of site its 10miles moon to river mouth to the wedge… we prolly did 22-24

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No it keeps disconnecting. it only recorded about 10 miles of trip.

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How many metr logs are on your phone? Try deleting the app and redownloading…

for real? that sounds like voodoo. that’s expected to help disconnects? I do keep all the logs why do I want to delete logs? xmatic bogged down to slow as shit for me with too many logs. it couldn’t switch UI windows in under a few seconds. deleting them did clear that problem. but disconnects?

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Hmmm never mind… @rpasichnyk Metr help needed :stuck_out_tongue:

Still taking it real easy. Got hot on the hill. Turned back.


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quick 8 miles in.

triggered that temp fault againumm dumb me.

other than that super fun.

Thank R.E.D. for being one more push not to be lazy.


Took a good 20+ mile run today


My first RED post! https://metr.at/r/fN7AF


End of the day. Sunset booze cruise to the golfing clubhouse bar


yay. :slight_smile:

what’s up with that ESC temp of -84c?

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That log is cursed.


New record :joy:

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Well yes but actually no.

Trash data so it doesn’t count :smiley: