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I don’t want to be paying excess carbon tax and I don’t want some idiot who read an online “verified” guide claim dominance intellectually over me for understanding why 70% tax on many things is for the greater good.

whilst over-sized teslas over mine precious metals and goons act like it’s the only alternative whitest gov’s ban small size PEV’s.

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This is nearly the same thing as the government issuing a press release that says:

fuck the children and their planet

…and it’s morally bankrupt.


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Y’all mothafuckas know that Bogdanoff’s died? Dunno why that’s not major news.


Holy shit did I also not know they were 72

It was major news; I read all about it the other day, and don’t even know who they are.

@whaddys I don’t know watchu mean?

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Lol sorry that was my bad I thought my title disappeared but I’m just a drrp

Might be a good idea to not skate too hard if you’re in Metro LA right now… emergency rooms are absolutely fucked from both being overloaded with COVID patients & from completely burnt the fuck out workers


No way! Where at?

I ran nightshift at laurel mountain for a few years then ended up at hidden valley and most recently boyce park.

I now travel doing mainly lift maintenance and magic carpet installs.

You ski/ride?

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Yeah I board and ski, and my parents have a condo at hidden valley right at the top of the avalanche lift :ok_hand:

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You go out during the week much? I try to avoid weekends at 7s and hv. Typically ride 9am weekdays at springs couple times a week and weekends at laurel mtn

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Not really, school gets in the way :frowning: Though I might be able to skip once or twice this winter to come up.

Have you done any riding around the resorts during the summer?

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Just got into esk8 in mid August and was on the road mostly until Thanksgiving. Just got a set of bergs, no emtb yet. ~2000mi on thane so far though.

Nice ride.

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This is my second day of playing with it so take it with a grain of salt.

I’m quite impressed with the laser capability. Anodizing aluminum is perfectly possible.

It can cut 3mm MDF with just 2 passes at 5mm/s speed. It’s a bit slow but still usable.

I’m just making a guinea-pig house to justify the investment to my wife. :laughing:

The work area is nice and you can easily put the laser on a big object as you can see on the picture above.

Even the customer support is responsive and surprisingly helpful.


Looks great! Does it use the rdworks software?

Thanks. :slight_smile: The laser driver is grbl and I use Lightburn to control it.

They also apparently have something custom built on top of the grbl since there’s fancy stuff like running gcode from an SD card that you can control with a touch display that connects to the driver board. You can also control it over WiFi (though I’m not sure if that’s a particularly good idea).

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Thats cool, I use a laser at work, can make some cool stuff with it. You should try if you can cut acryllic, that’s awesome to engrave too btw.


Finished! I hope the guineapig likes it. :slight_smile:

Already worth the money. :slight_smile:


next test: 0.2mm nickel sheet :joy: