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That sounds like one of my plans, though I don’t execute as well. :joy:


I had a laser cutter at my house for a while that my wife’s friend owned and recall her saying something about only being able to do black acrylic because the laser would reflect/refract on clear and most colors.


Probably depends on the wattage. the one we have is 150w industrial and can cut 12 mm acrylic. I recall reflecting of the laserbeam is a thing, thats why you should not try to cut metals with a CO2 laser. Burning away anodizing layers for creating a logo is fine though.


If anyone has build a drift trike or go cart what motor is recommended lots of options out there just curious on a good one (drift trike in the works)

@NullBlox built one


Well worth it, yes you can make them have more power.
If you are starting this is a great base imo and would consider it entry level.
They are fast enough to get hurt, I will leave it at that.

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I built an ebike with one of these dirt cheap ebike hubs and was pleasantly surprised with the speed. I imagine it’d be more than strong enough for a trike. Only issue is that it’s on a 26" wheel. You could maybe have a bike shop re-lace the motor on to a 20" wheel for a hundred bucks-ish?

I still have one hub in my garage for future stupidity.

Maybe I’ll buy 3 more and make an e-chariot


i still have this thing in my living room and I don’t want it :rofl:
it didn’t fit on my bike :cry:

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Gib it to me for shipping cost +$10 :wink:

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Sure. I just have no idea how to get a box for this

How much work area on the z axis?

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It was literally shipped to me in 2 Square cardboard pieces taped together like a pouch.

Lms if I can find a pic lol

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Mine was shipped in a full box lol. If only the box wasn’t so massive smh.

Should have known @NullBlox build one, your good at everything you touch. @jaykup thanks for the link bookmarked the parts list.


Or maybe I just don’t show the fails. XD (Thanks!)


Yep best to get that justification first haha

Humble, I dig it.

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I haven’t measured it but you can raise the laser module quite a bit. 10cm at least. Beyond that, it’s very easy to elevate the whole construction so the z axis workarea is pretty much unlimited.

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Wonder how effective it would be on a round surface like a motor :thinking:

I imagine that it would have quite a limited focal range

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Right, it’s only suitable for flat surfaces. There’s no stepper motor for the z axis. There are accessories you can use for engraving cylindrical shapes though.