Esk8 confessional



How can the battery freeze when it is constantly working? I mean, they heat up.

I may put a small heater in my case then.

While discharging, they typically don’t go below freezing.

Better to not risk it though, I usually wait to plug it in, if it’s crazy cold outside.

Sit on them like a mother hen.
A. less weight to carry
2. shows the battery you care
C. gives you sense of purpose
D. environmentally friendly



Used battery for sale. Works great. Smells like ass juice. Never been charged while frozen.


On the real though, I’ve been riding in 10s and 20s °F, curious if you have any gear/clothing reccs. I’m a snowmaker, too, so im always outside overnight in winter, comfort is paramount.

There’s a deck and enclosure on AliExpress with a heater panel for the battery, could be a good idea.

Send @ShutterShock one, seems like he could use it from his videos :rofl:

Don’t ride fast. Go slow. Like 20mph (33km/h).

I dress in layers and put a glove on my remote hand, a thin cotton white glove.

But @Venom121212 (I think?) had this cool remote mitt thing I keep wanting to try

Wear a covid mask to keep your face warm if you don’t use fullface helmets.


I use electrical clothing to keep me warm. It works like a charm.

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I typically average 14-16mph on backroads, mostly at night. I go with my spring ski gloves usually. Can be shifty at times but fair dexterity compared to my regular ski gloves. Been wanting to try Outdoor Research’s battery heated gloves but… “bitch mittens” lol

Balaclava and sometimes ski goggles too

Like Dewalt battery pack electrical?

Oh the scarf is critical as well, I forgot about that.

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Number one for cold weather riding is layers.

This includes a “dry layer” to stop ice and snow from melting into your clothes.

I typically use 2 layers under 10 degrees and 3-4 layers below 0 degrees.

Thermal leggings and a thermal shirt are a must.

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No, Bosch. I have no idea how these types of clothing are called. All I know, on Amazon they are cheap AF.

Just dress like a snowboarder, their kit is built for crashing into snow.

You must be talking about °C because I wear 2 layers under 65°F (18°C) and 3-4 layers under 40°F (4.5°C)

At 20°F (-6.7°C) which is the lowest temperature I will ride in, I’m wearing like 8 layers

I ski a ton too. It’s different from riding though, I move a lot more.

…and can go over 60mph

Of course I’m talking about Celsius, it’s what most of the world uses.

I’ll ride down to -17ish but that’s my 5 layer zone.


Skiing isn’t the same as snowboarding. I didn’t say to weak ski tights and whatever lame shit skiiers wear.