Don’t offer to fix or remedy the situation at hand in any way shape or form that could have been severely threatening to your customers physical condition/potentially deadly or anything… just point fingers and don’t realize your/your products mistakes… typical dex
For the last time, if you can’t keep yourself safe. Do NOT BUY anything from TORQUEBOARDS.
Learn how to fall. Learn how to maintain your board. It’s not hard.
We do what we can. If all else fails, read above.
this mother fucker, really
i’d also check with your legal team with regards to labeling/promoting something as bolt-on, ready to go, with no maintenance advisements and what you could be liable for in the event of failure resulting in injury/death from your companies lack of QC
advertising anything as pre assembled is tough because everything has a limit to where it fails/comes apart.
I would say if you go to ride without checking bolts, there is a risk there. Everyone makes mistakes no matter what and learning/sharing knowledge is always the most important part.
I’m lost for words.
me2, seriously
stop saying learn to fall better because there’s a possibility that products that you promote as ready2go with no maintenance requirements (at least none advertised) might fail because of your incompetence
do you see the ridiculousness in that? like seriously, listen to yourself, you’re not selling a little toy that doesn’t go 30mph+
jUsT lEaRn To FaLl BeTtEr
Yeah, as I said. Don’t BUY. There are many other vendors here.
Yes, I’m not selling a little toy which means prepare yourself for the worse. I’d rather you not ride and get hurt because you don’t think your ever going to fall or things will ever fail.
Holy ! I’m done.
I don’t expect a unit sold as a final, bolt-on product, to fail
it’s the 2nd time with 2 different sets
i have nothing against you or your business, and I admire what you do here, but make people aware that these are failure prone
anyway, yes, done deal, I learned my lesson and won’t use DD’s until they are more stable
No, don’t buy anything from me. We have many wonderful vendors here who can help you.
Yes, there are more honest vendors here who don’t just blame the customer.
I’d appreciate if you resolve my 90kv RMA though or refund, or donate the revenue to this forum
I don’t think you learned much at all. This whole situation could have been avoided if you just did a weekly maintenance check. That goes for any ready-to-run product. Even a perfect product can fail eventually with enough neglect.
I don’t mean to blame you. But it’s not worth your life by not being prepared.
We’ll update our info so people are more informed.
this is the 2nd set of DD’s that have failed on me, the other set was on the first ride
but nEgLeCt RiGhT
so yes, I did learn my lesson with DD’s, but yes I will also be more aggressive with checking the boards before I ride them now
Doing that pretty much eliminates most mechanical failures that you could face.
understood, the point is, and I am done now, but for the last time, don’t sell a finished/assembled product without advising of possible failure points and maintenance advisements
So how about them 130s? Is that a go? @worldismine772 glad your safe @torqueboards lemme know about the stickers
No, people will be too high off the ground. I don’t want people to get hurt.