Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Yes, and maybe. Fill out “Country” on your profile so we can help you better :slight_smile:

I buy all my 10s and 12s chargers off of AliExpress. These are basic but solid, with a lot of connection options:

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I have 2 old Meepo remotes laying around, the basic one that they don’t sell anymore and a NR Remote with a light. Is it possible to use those remotes for a board with a vesc installed?

If so does it matter what bluethoot module I use?


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Damn… can you explain why?

As far as I’m aware, you cannot buy the radio receivers for those remotes. The receivers are builtin to and inseparable from their proprietary ESCs.

If you can buy a receiver for the remote, then you can almost certainly use it on a VESC.


Oh, got it. Thank you!

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Thank you.

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Cheers. Btw, I’m a kiwi refuge in Melbourne Australia.


Anyone know the wiring off the top of their head for one of the halo led switches that people use for their esc?

Ive got a cheap FOCer with a power switch port, and I’m unsure how to wire it correctly for it to light up while the esc is on.

I’ve seen guys with the plug in switches, but those typically have 3 wires,
My switch has 5 wires (primary ones being n/c, n/o, and c) with the other two being power.

it depends on if its latching or mom switch, but both type can wire to NO and C, what esc is that


Oh ok, so if I wire to n/c and c it will act as a proper switch.

Would I need to get separate power source to the switch for it to glow, or can I wire it to a 5v on the esc to power it?

It’s a latching led bulgin switch… :man_shrugging:

Just want to confirm, the Matrix II uses the old school mounting pattern and 10-32 hardware right? So nothing different from regular trucks?

i don’t exactly know, but it looks like latching is the type used. and for the led, i would suggest u test while the esc is on state (BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO SHORT ANYTHING), as the off state will be automactically trigger by the switch going to open state

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Ohhhhh loooool

It’s not even an actual switch to shut down power to the motor?? It just shuts down the drv

Thanks for catchin that!

the switch is just there to cut power to the drv 5v rail, i don’t think it will be in the “off” state, its more like standby with 1.5mA draw

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I’ll probably just go with a xt90s then.
Maybe I’ll hook it up later if I decide to get lights on the board or something

that’s something i would never understand, but good luck with ur endeavour :love_you_gesture:t2:

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Shutting down the DRV shuts down the 5V buck which shuts down the 3.3V supply which shuts down the MCU