Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

Got android and root? Crack it.

The pro app probably floats around somewhere too for free

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im on IOS . the android version is free (which may be pro), but my iphone isn’t even jailbroken so small chance i can get a cracked version to work on it

Thank you, glad I asked!

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I’d say test the free version first. If you somehow need the features that are locked you know how to unlock them. I wouldn’t jump the gun.


What motors with 8mm shafts are best at the moment?

From what I’ve heard there’s support for torque board stuff, but I’ve heard some horrendous stuff about their customer service.

@Cyanoacrylate IMO TB motors are the best. Dexter is here on the forum and is usually pretty great in terms of customer service


Thanks @ARZ noted.

Another thing - Would metroboard 155mm pneumies work on bergmeister hubs?

I really don’t think you can go wrong with the TB6380 at the moment

Or if you have multiple motors, the TB6355 are rocking

Or if you cray cray then two TB6380

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4 ?


Hey all, I’m doing an upgrade to an Ownboard Carbon AT. I’m replacing the esc with a unity and the remote with one of 3 options.

The bit where I’m stuck is the factory rx had a big long antenna wire which used to poke out of the carbon enclosure and lay on top of the truck base plate.

The remotes that I have on hand are the Puck RC, the VX2, and a cheapy 2.4ghz mini RC. Only the mini rc has an external antenna and its only about 1/3rd the length of the oem one, so to reach the same spot would need extension. Can you extend these and do they have a length proportional to the 2.4ghz wavelength I should shoot for?

Otherwise I can sneak the vx2 rx into this spot, and then mount the sticker and shredlights to secure it there. It will be conformal coated, is this a stupid idea?

not 10p% what the best approach is here, would love some cf enclosure knowledge slapped into me lol

Cheers legends

Use fiberglass. Carbon fiber blocks radio signals.

So I got a vanpro mini remote off of amazon. I went to set it up with my board.

Went through input process. For some reason whenever I turn the board on and then turn the transmitter on, the motors spin up for a second and then stop. I tried rebinding but for some reason it is still doing it

Did you follow these steps?

Thanks already got it fixed. Ive done this a million times, so not sure whybit was acting weird. Oh well.

For some reason I could never get the APS remote to work. Receiver would never get signal from my remote for some reason

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I take it back. I went to mess with APS remote and then went to do the mini again and every time I turn the transmitter on the wheels spin for a sec

Nope, they have a different interior diameter.

Berg rims work with berg tires and the AliExpress 6x2 tires, and thats pretty much it.

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Is .75" extra wheel base worth running both truck’s on the new school mount pattern on a shorter board(35")?
Is there a consensus on the stability of the new school pattern for our e-application?

For some reason it stopped doing that when I did a rebind with a computer connected to VESC so that seems really weird to me…

Does anyone know if the @3DServisas hangers (for cal 2 baseplates), are themselves Caliber profile? (I.e will they work with Caliber motor-mounts)

Is there any difference torque-wise between a 6355 and 6374 if using same vesc settings, provided that heat is not an issue?