Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

is that 25/58 and 24/58 your gear ratios if so you didn’t compare apples to apples.

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Also this, but I think I found his problem: Motor power limit setting.


I did 24/58 for each on the calc :rofl: When I typed out that paragraph I must have miss typed

1 Like My unity was working fine and then I disconnected and reconfigured it on the new vesc tool 2.05.
when I try to do a motor detection the motors either don’t rotate and it gives me a positive detection or they don’t rotate and it gives me this error. Any advice?

Ps running sensorless foc on a direct drive

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ahh yes. the calc isn’t paying any attention to how many amps your battery can send it to figure out max torque. try changing the p group size it doesn’t affect the torque numbers.

I think it’s computing max torque using the power rating of the motor and the max voltage of the system to figure out a max amps. and from there multiply by amps/nm x n motor x gearing

So that’d be max amps at max speed. II would think low end torque could be higher than that value. like torque/duty_cycle

Just linking this to it’s answer which was in another thread.

I’d been wondering how bad it is to have extra terminating resistors in the middle of the canbus as well.

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Yeah I was on that thread as well…

Forward for science

in my head
“hey kook, Deodand, sorry for the tag… i’m just linking these two together”

words… bad.

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Jumping in with a new question. Is there a “For dummies” guide for running sensorless on a Unity? I’d really like to eliminate sensor based failure modes from the list of things that can throw me on my ass at speed.

I’m using the Unity app and don’t see any options for sensorless operation. I’m sure it will set itself to sensorless if I run motor detection w/ the sensors unplugged, but I’d like to leave them hooked up for troubleshooting and general data collection.

Are there commands I can enter via the terminal to make this happen? Do I need to use VESC Tool instead of the Unity app?

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Yes the latest has full unity support with sensorless.

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Cool. Do I have to do the whole HFI calibration thing or is there some sort of auto-config or wizard for that now?

Yes, you can run detection in BLDC mode, just go here

Do step 1 (important) then step 3, 2, 3, 4

Usually step 3 fails the first time. I typically have to increase I to 8A and ω to 300 and D to 0.12 to get a successful detection on a large motor (6374)


I approve


Any creative ways of covering up holes in the enclosure that I drilled but don’t use anymore? Is there like a cool little aluminum circle emblem that I can put on one of the holes in the center of my enclosure?


Like these?


What’s the enclosure made of?

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Its the eboosted enclosure so i think fiberglass. These r some pics of the holes

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Pretty sure a buttplug fits snuggly in there :thinking:

But seriously, you could use pretty much anything you want as long as you don’t go for jbweld steel version (it has steel powder in it)
I’d be putting a sweet sticker on the outside and filling the inside of the hole with epoxy


That sounds like a good idea thanks!