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I think FlexiBMSlite firmware v0.8 does not have required stmId in version command. Can you compile it from source code and flash your bms? has latest pull request that is required.


Oh dear lord, that process again. :weary: Will try indeed!


I have updated FlexiBMS to latest release (nagged @SimosMCmuffin about it) and still, it bricks the slave VESC and doesn’t show any settings available.



Did you compile firmware yourself? Latest release (in GitHub releases) does not include required stuff


No, I didn’t.

0.9 is what I used.


I will try your setup, with dual VESC and FlexiBMS (I have one)


Before I proceed, if you disconnect FlexiBMS, all works good, no bricking?


That’s correct. :slight_smile:


What can metr do to break it so far it requires SWD? is it going into write bootloader mode? … sounds weird. is there a setting that disables usb?

Not sure TBH, but it did brick the VESC so hard that after a power cycle the green LED(MCU) and USB functionality is gone. After SWD it’s back online. :slight_smile:


Is it possible to implement battery cycle count for the t boards with diebie and flexibms?


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Good question, probably best to ask in DieBie / Flexi thread. BMS should store that information in memory.

Yet another headache for them. “What is considered a cycle?” :slight_smile:


The issues have been fixed in the latest update, thank you guys!


Hey, I am on version 4.5.8 on android with 5.22 on the module. (no updates on the play store)

I have a DieBieMS hooked up and when I go to view the Expert->DBMS tab, nothing shows up. I was experiencing this with the 5.21(previous one) fw version as well. I can see/read/write to the VESC fine, just not my DieBieMS. TCP bridge allows communication to both the VESC and the DBMS tho.

I tried this on my friend’s iPhone and he was able to read/write/see the BMS. I can find out and edit in what version he was on in the morning, I just figured the ios app would be delayed behind the android because of apple’s longer process.

Let me know if you need logs or any more info! Thanks!

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Not quite haha. This is after the update you did on the 15th. Unless I need to go “beta” in the app store?

Same problem as before, I clicked on things for no apparent reason sometimes lol, just pay attention to the screen being split in two in when the phone is horizontal. Everything else works like a charm :grin:
metr (25.7 MB)

What version of the app do you have? (You can check in metr -> Settings -> Scroll down)

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Hah now I get an update on playstore. Sorry about that, I literally checked 4h ago on playstore and I was up to date.

Edit/ 4.5.18 works beautifully now, thank you Roman!!! :heart:


I know its out of nowhere but i gotta praise the connection the metr has.

Ever since i use metr i only had 1 disconnect and that was when i literally wasn’t even on my board because someone else was riding it way ahead of me. (we swapped boards)

Apart from that: not.a.single.cut.connection


i’ve been using it since I got the unity off @PixelatedPolyeurthan’s hand. didn’t even cut out once, i’ve had one time I left my board outside my house door and had to rush back to my room which has 3 walls in between (direct line of sight), still did not even cut out, and this is only with the pcb antenna :eyes: