Noob question thread! 2020_Summer

pretty much all nrf51 will work, if u want a even better feature BLE, metr or ilogger is also an option like @xsynatic said, both also support programming the vesc.

all stormcores already has anti spark built in, but it doesn’t hurt to have xt90s on ur battery as well. just remember to plug it in firmly

Edit: 100S may or may not has an anti spark built in, please double check once its released officially


Trampa one is good

Buy another brand that does not engrave their damn logo deep on the can


you could rub it down with gun oil to remove the rust and then just keep the can oiled, maybe put on a layer of clear coat?

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I can’t see the benefits of the extra functionality, but if they are more reliable then I’ll get them.

i don’t have the ilogger, but my metr module is crazy :eyes: ymmv but i have confidence in it


Can it double-up as an anti-theft device (ie you can trace the board if it gets stolen)?

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nope, the GPS tracking function rely on the connection with ur phone’s GPS signal, i don’t think it would work the way u imagine it to be. the only product that I remember has active GPS signal would be the GPS tracker that BKB sells awhile ago, but I don’t know if Jared still sells them anymore. personally I don’t think an anti theft device for our esk8, since we bring it everywhere, even into shops and restaurants… :man_shrugging:t2:

Yeah I’m thinking more about getting mugged in the street for it


sadly not…I was going to jump in when they were 10$ but sold out in minutes

The solution for the gps thing could be metr CAN if you connect an external gps module (like i have)

but it still would need to be in reach for the phone to connect and read the data. Still not ideal

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ur life worth more than ur board, just let it out if it comes to that.

if u really don’t plan to go down without a fight, then bring a strobe ready flashlight with you when u ride, sudden extreme brightness will blind them enough time for u to get out even in day time (tested this on a friend, he kicked my ass so hard afterwards)

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just a random idea: something like a Tile BLE tracker will stay in range with ur phone and connected, and if that connection is lost, it will trigger a phone notification or a ring, so u r aware of it, but this is still not the best method for active GPS tracking imo

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True but i think you could do the same with metr? Get a notification if the connection is cut?


don’t know :man_shrugging:t2: my metr module has crazy range, 3 walls was far enough that I won’t even hear the motor revving away from me :rofl: I need something with shorter range connection

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that is true…

Until metr sends you a notification of a cut conenction he’ll be around the block already with its crazy range :smiley:

Workaround : notification if a recording is stating. = instant notification

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it might work that way, but i personally don’t need that function :rofl:
we r just brainstorming for @Geo_Engineering_FTW’s need

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i know, me neither ^^

At least he now may see a bigger benefit of using them

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Was just thinking of the extra benefits of getting a metr over the FS. if someone tries to
mug me I’ll give them the keys to my house rather than fight lol, but the strobe light is a good idea. Prob will opt for the FS one, seems fine for my needs. Thanks for the help


How is everyone creating daisy chained CAN connectors? Is there an industry standard way to do this?

To clarify what is the proper way to connect the physical wires/connectors?


Cleanest looking will be one long complete canbus cable (nicely crimped with connectors) with another 2 short cable pairs hooked up near the ends for a 4wd setup
That allows for heatshrink and a very clean cable overall

Proper way is with split ports (way overkill) or cable twisted, soldered and heatshrinked over

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